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篇名 臺灣客家研究中的東南亞視野
卷期 194
並列篇名 A General Review of the Development of Southeast Asian Hakka Studies in Taiwan
作者 劉堉珊
頁次 155-207
關鍵字 臺灣客家研究東南亞客家客家族群性族群意識Hakka studies in Taiwanthe Southeast Asian HakkaHakka ethnicityethnic identityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201612


本文的目的,在理解臺灣的客家研究,是在何時開始將東南亞客家相 關的議題納入學術討論的視野,並依其出現的脈絡與研究者的關注議題,探 討東南亞客家研究至今(以2015 年為限)在臺灣發展的樣貌。有鑑於「研討 會」在臺灣東南亞客家研究的發展過程中,具有引領、催化與宣示重要議題 與研究進度的特殊位置,本文在第一部分以臺灣舉辦的客家相關國際研討會 為軸線,從研討會的規劃、發表論文與參與發表者,思考東南亞客家議題在 臺灣客家視野中出現到逐漸受到重視的過程。本文第二部分則從東南亞客家 研究的成果(包括專書、專書論文、期刊文章、研討會論文與碩博士論文), 分析研究者在觀看東南亞客家時,關注的議題、研究角度,以及兩者的變化 與意義,從中呈現東南亞客家研究在臺灣學術界的獨特視野,也期待本文成 果能作為進一步跨域視野比較的基礎。


This article examines the development of Southeast Asian Hakka studies in Taiwan. Focusing on the research carried out by the Taiwan scholars, including their selection of topics and the changes of research interests, this study aims to understand the ways in which the Hakka communities in Southeast Asia are presented in Taiwan. The discussions are divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the Hakka international conferences held in Taiwan in order to understand when and how the scholars in Taiwan developed interest in the Hakka communities in Southeast Asia. In the second part, the article look through literature (including the book, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, and dissertations) on Southeast Asian Hakka studies. By examining their approaches, methodology, and most importantly, the issues of interest, the discussion aims to represent the characteristics of Southeast Asian Hakka studies in Taiwan. It is contended that the development of Hakka ethnic identity in Taiwan has played a crucial role in forming the ways in which the researchers approach and understand the Hakka communities in Southeast Asia.
