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篇名 道教的「受生填還」儀式:以四川《廣成儀制》為中心的考察
卷期 194
並列篇名 Pay-back (Shousheng Tianhuan): A Taoist Ritual and a Case Study of the Guangcheng Yizhi Tradition
作者 蔣馥蓁
頁次 113-154
關鍵字 道教儀式受生填還還受生錢廣成儀制Taoismritualpay-back Guangcheng YizhiTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201612




The idea of Taoist ritual “pay-back” (shousheng tianhuan 受生 填還) appeared very early since the Tang and Song dynasties. The main concept is about people who have promised some recompense before the birth. Thus, they should pay off this sum thoroughly in this life; therefore they would be blessed with good fortune. And most important, once this person passes away, s/he can get a reincarnation as human again immediately without having to undergo judgment in Hell. In this work, I explain the theological concept form Taoist Canon first. And I describe a grand ritual tradition of my fieldwork of Guangcheng Yizhi tradition in Sichuan, for their complete rundown of ritual, and the richness in ritual texts and documents (wenjian). Beyond Sichuan, it of course has various forms in the Han people societies. Most of them take place for living people though few cases for person who just died. Nowadays, pay-back ritual developed a new path for people who care about their luck and fortune this life. It makes a new vision for this old ritual.
