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篇名 金門地區遊樂園建置之可行性研析
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 On the Feasibility Analysis of Amusement Park in Kinmen
作者 歐陽儀雄李文良洪瑛鈞蔡宗憲
頁次 015-034
關鍵字 遊樂園主題特色市場需求分析財務分析模擬離島觀光Amusement parkThemeMarket demand analysisFinancial simulationCoastal tourism
出刊日期 201609




The establishment of a theme amusement park may increase richness of activities and attract segmented tourists. In addition, a theme amusement park also plays a significant role while evaluating the tourism competiveness of a destination. In the last decade, residents in Taiwan have valued the importance of leisure activities in their daily routine due to the improvement of life and economic standards. Visiting the amusement park has also become a very popular leisure activity in Taiwan and resulted in the development of multiple parks. However, coastal islets lack such constructions because of the limitation of geographical locations. In such cases, residents have limited leisure choices and tourists lack alternative activities during tours. This study aims to address a feasibility analysis of a local small amusement park in Kinmen with research focusing on the market demand analysis and financial outcome simulations. Through the analysis and simulation, in terms of historical data and also plausible parameter assumptions, the results of this study show that current operation of an amusement park in Kinmen is not sustainable based on the monetary indices. Nevertheless, with the consideration of non-monetary benefits, such as balancing differences between city and county, increasing leisure choices of residents, developing tourism spots, and rejuvenating idle resources, the establishment of an amusement park in Kinmen may find its feasibility in light of needs from both residents and tourists.
