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篇名 2015 年金門馬拉松賽事外地參與者消費對 金門地區經濟影響分析
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Economic Impact Analysis of the 2015 Kinmen Marathon on the Kinmen Area
作者 劉照金董燊黃仲凌陳華恆
頁次 001-013
關鍵字 經濟影響馬拉松賽事投入-輸出模型乘數economic impactmarathon eventsinput–output modelmultiplier
出刊日期 201609


本研究目的為探討2015 年金門馬拉松賽事參與者消費對金門地區經濟投入 值及經濟之影響。本研究方法綜合路跑賽事經濟影響之相關文獻,編製「臺灣地 區路跑活動經濟影響之調查問卷」為工具,選擇2015 年金門馬拉松賽事之外地 參與者為研究對象,採合目標取樣方法共回收有效問卷232 份,所得資料依據行 政院主計處公佈之「台灣地區52 部門產業關聯表」投入產出乘數進行資料分析, 獲得結果如下:(一)2015 年金門馬拉松賽事期間外地參與者約為6000 人,外 地參與者合計每日平均消費值約為4,080 元,對金門地區各項產業投入值總計為66,750,000 元;(二)2015 年金門馬拉松賽事期間,外地參與者消費所帶動各產 業部門之總產出為145,326,644 元,可增加當地眾所得39,040,551 元,並創造約 145 個就業機會。綜合結論,2015 年金門馬拉松賽事外地參與者消費投入值與經 濟影響效果顯著,而且馬拉松賽事外地參與者消費額高於一般國民旅遊與單項運 動之消費額,對帶動當地各產業部門之總產出、增加當地民眾所得及創造就業機 會之經濟正面影響高於國內單項運動賽事,顯見舉辦馬拉賽事確實有助當地經濟 之投入值,對當地經濟有顯著正面影響,尤其路跑賽事在離島地區可作為調節觀 光季節性不均之活動。


This study investigated the economic input and impact of nonresident participants’ spending in the 2015 Kinmen Marathon on the Kinmen area. The study combined the literature on the economic impact of road race events to develop the “Questionnaire on the Economic Impact of Road Race Events in Taiwan” as a research tool. The study respondents were nonresident participants in the Kinmen Marathon. Purposive sampling was used to recruit the participants, and 232 valid questionnaire responses were retrieved. The data were analyzed through an input– output multiplier table established by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics (DGBAS). The results were as follows: A total of 6000 nonresidents participated in the 2015 Kinmen Marathon. The average per-person daily expenditure was approximately NT$4080, the total monetary input to the various industries in the Kinmen area was NT$66,750,000. In addition, the economic impact of the 2015 Kinmen Marathon’s nonresident participants on industries in the Kinmen area was NT$145,326,644, and the income increment was NT$39,040,551. Moreover, 145 new jobs were created during the marathon. In conclusion, the economic input and impact of nonresident marathon participants on the Kinmen area was significant. In addition, the participants’ spending exceeded that of general domestic tourism and individual sports competitions. The marathon increased the total output of various industry sectors, increased local incomes, and created new jobs compared with individual sports competitions in Taiwan. The results reveal that marathons facilitate value creation, thereby having a positive effect on local economies. In addition, road race events in the outlying island can be used as sports tourism activities to counteract seasonality in the tourism industry.
