
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Age Estimation: Current State and Research Challenges
卷期 36:6
作者 Abhishek Singh NayyarAnand Babu BKrishnaveni BVaishnavi Devi MGayitri HC
頁次 209-216
關鍵字 Age estimationmethodserrorsreliabilityacceptance levelsMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.4103/1011-4564.196348



There exist several methods and a fairly substantial literature on the field of age estimation. However, different methods are associated with varying degrees of uncertainty and precision, and this is not always well understood. From a statistical‑methodological point of view, there are reasons to believe that a combination of different measurement methods and a more conscious use of the relevant statistical methodology may provide more reliable estimates and better quantification of associated levels of uncertainty. When the uncertainty is known, considering the acceptance level of the error rates, methods are to be found out to rectify it to the maximum possible extent to make it in acceptable limits with maximum validity as there are no methods, by which the age of an individual can be precisely estimated.
