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篇名 境界與場域—牟宗三與林安梧對《老子》「自然」概念的不同理解
卷期 19
並列篇名 Vision and Field - On the Differences Between Mou Tsung-san and Lin An-wufs Approaches to Laozi’s Thought of “Natural” 
作者 廖崇斐
頁次 089-104
關鍵字 自然境界場域牟宗三林安梧NaturalVisionFieldMou Tsung-sanLin An-wu
出刊日期 201603


「自然」的概念關聯著道、天、地、人,可以說是通天接地。既抽象又具體, 既普遍又個別。故王弼贊曰:「自然者,無稱之言,窮極之辭」。從牟宗三與林安 梧兩位先生對《老子》「自然」概念的詮釋,更可以對比出他們對道家核心思想 理解的不同。本文針對《老子》「道法自然」一段文字,對比兩先生的「境界」 與「場域」兩種概念,指出牟先生在「主觀境界型態」理解下,「道法自然」轉 變為重在說明「道是自然」,而「自然」是通過修行所達到一個極高的精神境界。 林先生從「場域」的概念來理解自然,自然是在此場域中,一種能夠讓萬物生生 不息的「自發、和諧與調節性的力量及秩序」。本文認為,此種詮釋下的「道法 自然」,在現代社會中,將蘊含更多可開發的實踐方向。


The concept of "natural" associated with tao, sky, earth and man. It can be said that throughout the world. Wang Bi have expressed admiration for the idea. From Mou Tsung-san and Lin An-wu's Approaches to "natural" concept of interpretation, you can compare different core idea of their understanding of Taoism. This paper will focus on "Imitation of Nature" in the text, compared to the two gentlemen were put forward "Vision" and "Field" concept. This paper points out in Mou's " Vision-form" understanding, the "Imitation of Nature" into focusing explanation "Tao is natural". The "Natural" is by practice to achieve a very high spiritual realm. Lin from the concept of "field" to understand nature. The "Natural" is a way to make all the endless "spontaneity of harmonious order." This paper argues that such an interpretation under the "Imitation of Nature", in modern society, will contain more practice directions can be developed.
