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篇名 《天祿琳琅書目》的整理成果及其展望
卷期 19
並列篇名 The Results and Expectations on Recollecting the Tian-lu Lin-lang Library
作者 楊果霖
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 《天祿琳琅書目》版本目錄考證展望Tian-lu Lin-lang Libraryeditioninvestigationexpectation
出刊日期 201603


《天祿琳琅書目》二編,先後著錄「天祿琳琅」特藏之籍,由於著錄的典籍, 正是乾隆時期宮廷特藏之籍,是以二編書目的内容,歷來備受學者的重視,也多 有研究成果。本文綜論學者對於二部書目的研究成果,並提出若干值得開展的方 向,期望年輕的學子,能夠投入更多心力,以從事相關書目的探索與研究。


The two editions of Tian-lu Lin-lang Library were respectively recollected into the Tian-lu Lin-lang Collections. As these two specially reserved editions belonged to the loyal collections during Qian-long’s reign in Qing Dynasty, the contents of these two editions have always been highly regarded by scholars, which also resulted in enormous research outcomes. The thesis analyzes these outcomes by scholars on the two editions, as well as offer directions worthy of developing, in hope of the youngsters in this field would put more efforts into relevant studies and researches on pertinent booklists.
