
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Using Benzodiazepine Detoxification and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy in the Treatment of a Patient with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Comorbid with High-dose Zolpidem Dependence
卷期 36:5
作者 Shen‑Hua LuNian‑Sheng TzengHan‑Wei Chou
頁次 194-196
關鍵字 Benzodiazepine detoxificationcognitive behavioral therapyzolpidem dependenceMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.4103/1011-4564.192831



In recent years, literature has shown that zolpidem dependence is not uncommon in the clinical practice, but there is no standard guideline for treatment of zolpidem dependence. Benzodiazepine detoxification has been widely used for alcohol detoxification, which is also an inhibitory substance. We would like to share the experience of benzodiazepine detoxification and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in a patient with high‑dose zolpidem dependence comorbid with generalized anxiety disorder.
