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篇名 「民俗及有關文物」登錄指定與地方實踐:以「雲林六房媽過爐」為例
卷期 193
並列篇名 Recognition, Designation, and Local Practice of “Folk Custom and Related Cultural Artifacts”: An Example of “Yunlin Liu Fang Ma Guolu”
作者 徐雨村
頁次 221-265
關鍵字 無形文化遺產民俗及有關文物歷史性登錄地方實踐intangible cultural heritagefolk custom and related cultural artifactshistoricityrecognitionlocal practiceTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201609


「雲林六房媽過爐」因年年更換祭祀地點,流動性質較大,面臨着歷史文 獻累積不易、陣頭內容不斷增益變動的困難,致使神明由來的歷史性及陣頭 儀式的傳統性成為審議焦點。然而就地方性而言,該民俗的核心特色是當地 社群的參與及創造力,有必要更進一步探索彰顯。


Intangible cultural heritage (ICH) had been a world cultural trend within the recent two decades under the promotion of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In Taiwan, folk festivals may be officially recognized and then designated as “Folk Custom and Related Cultural Artifacts” through the deliberation under the committees of local and central governments specifically. Once a festival earns such a title, it is considered as a great honor for its conservation group. The folk festival is originally locally practiced, now is intertwined with the influence of nation-states and global institutions.
This article firstly reviews the concept formation and local practice of the ICH, as well as the institution of recognition and designation of “Folk Custom and Related Cultural Artifacts” in Taiwan context. Secondly, we will introduce the topic “Yunlin Liu Fang Ma Guolu” (Annual Rotation of Six Clan-branches’ Heavenly Holy Mother) and its participation in the official recognition of cultural heritage. Thirdly, we analyze the cognition and negotiation between the local society and committee members of cultural heritage through the deliberation criteria of cultural heritage, including historicity, traditional properties, and local characteristics. Finally we focus on the empowerment by the government, scholars, and experts for the conservation group—the ROC Liu Fang Ma Association—which undertakes negotiation and management of the folk customs.
The folk custom “Yunlin Liu Fang Ma Guolu” is highly fluid as its worship site change every year. It meets difficulties in the accumulation of historical archives and the changing performance of martial arts troops; therefore, the cultural heritage committee underscores the historicity of deity origin and the traditional properties of martial arts troops. However, in terms of local characteristics, the core characteristics of the folk custom are the involvement and creativity of local communities. That merit further exploration and elaboration.
