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篇名 The Cartographic Project of the Generative Enterprise – An interview with Guglielmo Cinque
卷期 17:6
並列篇名 生成大業之製圖工程 —Guglielmo Cinque 教授訪談錄
作者 毛眺源孟凡軍
頁次 917-936
關鍵字 architecturecartographyfeaturemaximalismthe Minimalist Program最簡方案製圖工程構架最大化主義特徵A&HCIMEDLINEScopusSSCITHCI
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.1177/1606822X16659002


製圖工程是一種精細刻畫句法結構的硏究框架,嘗試描繪人類語言功能語類投射的 完整圖譜,但學界對其理論必要性尙存質疑。鑒於此,訪談從製圖工程的緣起出發,較 爲全面地考察了製圖工程的理論與技術細節,力圖揭示製圖工程與最簡方案在語法構架 上的相容關係,以及在特徵參數化等方面對最簡方案的貢獻。此外,訪談簡要闡釋了製 圖工程面臨的挑戰與前景,並分析製圖工程帶來的兩個問題。


Cartography, a fine-grained articulation of syntactic structures, accounts for an intensive development of the splitting tradition that aims to capture the rich empirical facts observed in cross-linguistic studies. Thus, it has the theoretical linguistic circle pondering its conceptual necessity in the current linguistic framework. Unfolding from the inception of cartography to its prospects, this interview represents a relatively overall scrutiny of both theoretical and technical details of cartography. The real purpose of the interview is to reveal the relation between cartography and the Minimalist Program (MP) on the one hand, and the contributions of cartography to MP on the other. For the former, the interview first introduces the motivations of cartography and Cinque’s strong position in the methodology of cartography, and then compares the architectural differences between MP, Greenberg’s typological studies, and cartography. More importantly, the different foci of cartographic maximization of syntactic structure (maximalism) and minimalist minimization of redundancies (minimalism) are expounded, which facilitates demonstration of the compatibility, rather than contradiction, between these two research programs. For the latter aspect, the interview explains the flexible proposal of cartography towards morphology, and then primarily elucidates the different opinions of these two programs regarding parametrization of functional and substantive universals in the lexicon, which paves the way for the interview to illustrate cartographic views about L1 and L2 acquisition. In addition, some potential challenges cartography faces are touched upon, along with its prospects. The interview ends with a brief analysis of two theoretical puzzles initiated by cartography.
