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篇名 花樣本:貴州苗族刺繡技藝傳承與地方社會
卷期 192
並列篇名 Embroidered Images: Women’s Inheritance of Embroidery Techniques and Local Miao Communities in Guizhou Province
作者 何兆華
頁次 097-165
關鍵字 花樣本施洞貞豐苗族文化傳承地方社會embroidered imagesShidongZhenfengMiaocultural inheritancelocal communityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201606




The study of material culture faces the challenges inherent in the characteristics of materiality itself, making it tricky to use material objects to show dynamic change in local communities. However, anthropological understandings of the relationship between materiality and social interaction have made significant progress in recent years. This examination of ethnographic data on Miao material culture not only shows the processes of socialization and civilization, it further illustrates that the inheritance of material knowledge is not necessarily a consequence of technology, but also involves the participation of language. This paper is an ethnographic study of the traditional embroidered images of Shidong Miao and Zhenfeng Miao societies in Guizhou Province. I argue that these images are a means of shaping Miao cultural identity and generating social boundaries. Through examining the changes of embroidered images among Shidong and Zhenfeng Miao through time, I show that both the indigenous people of Shidong and immigrants of Zhenfeng learned how to use embroidery to negotiate Miao identities in different social and historical contexts. The study aims to answer the question of how embroidered images and embroidery techniques become the collective medium to construct relations within Miao society. Additionally, it examines how Miao people use clothes as cultural heritage to transform their cultural ideal and as a way for women to claim their own social identity. Lastly, I explore how embroidered images become a social representation to distinguish social boundaries and define social relationships. By examining three different cases, this paper reveals diverse aspects of how women faced social and historical changes through embroidered images and clothing. The first case is that of Huang Laozhao, a Han girl who was compelled to become a Shidong Miao kidnappers wife. By adopting Shidong Miao weaving and clothes-making techniques, she found a way to fuse daughters into local society. The second case is that of Shi Tsaomei who was a Shidong Miao girl who married a Han man in Rongjiang County. For political reasons, she was forced to give up her Shidong Miao dress and pretend to be Han in order to negotiate with local society in Rongjiang County. The third case explores the stories of Zhenfeng Miao people who emigrated from Taijiang and Huangping Counties in southwestern Guizhou during the late Qing dynasty, escaping war and in search of agriculture land. Among them, women from gid eb (“people from the riverside,” referring to Shidong) intermarried with gid bil men (“people from the mountain”). The embroidered images and clothes made by these women fused the traditions of both communities. From the viewpoint of Zhenfeng, gid eb people were assimilated into gid bil society, allowing for a flow of women which provided for successful social reproduction.
