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篇名 環境因子對香附子(Cyperus rotundus L.) 塊莖之萌芽能力之影響
卷期 37:1
並列篇名 Influence of environmental factors on tuber's sprouting rate of Cyperus rotundus L.
作者 黃坤傑侯金日
頁次 047-070
關鍵字 香附子塊莖萌芽環境因子Cyperus rotundus L.tubersproutedenvironmental factorTSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2016-0037(1)-047


本研究主要探討雜草香附子(Cyperus rotundus L.)塊莖之萌芽能力,於不同環境下進行比較,作為防除方法之依據及參考。在彰化縣郊區採集香附子塊莖,選擇外觀良好之健康塊莖,置於培養皿内進行試驗,定期調查萌芽株數,試驗結果如下:在恆溫處理下,萌芽率最高在15°C之處理為42.67%,塊莖最適合萌芽的 溫度介於15〜30°C之間。塊莖在變溫的環境下之萌芽率比恆溫的環境高,萌芽率最 高在35/30C之處理為77.33%。塊莖對水分潛勢之耐受性不佳,萌芽率最高在 -0.2MPa之處理為36%,在-0.8 MPa之處理,萌芽率為0。塊莖在鹽分濃度0~1.0% 之處理皆會萌芽,萌芽率最高在鹽分濃度0.2至及0.8%之處理為72.67%,萌芽率在不同鹽分濃度之處理無顯著差異。塊莖在pH值4〜8溶液之處理,萌芽率較高, 介於86.67〜100%之間,當pH值小於4或pH值大於8時,萌芽率明顯降低,介於 25.33〜33.33%之間。塊莖在不同光質及黑暗之處理皆會萌芽,但在白光、紅光及黑暗之處理,萌芽率較高,介於78.67〜84%之間,在藍光、綠光及紫光處理下,萌芽率降至56.57%以下。


This study focused on the influence of tuber’s sprouting ability (Cyperus rotundus L.) under different environments, which could be a method for the basis and reference of controlling. Tubers of Cyperus rotundus L. were collected in suburbs of Changhua city, after choosing healthy tubers with good appearance and did different treatments, all of the tubers were planted in each petri dishes for investigating the number of sprouted tubers regularly. The results are as follow: It had the highest sprouting rate (42.67%) at 15^ under constant temperature treatments, the most suitable temperature for sprouting of tubers were between 15〜300C. The sprouting rate was higher in the environment of variable temperature than environment of constant temperature, treatment of 35/30 had the highest sprouting rate (77.33%). Tubers could not stand water potential, treatment of -0.2MPa had the highest sprouting rate (36%), the sprouting rate was 0% at -0.8MPa treatment. Tubers would sprout at salt concentrations 0〜1.0%, treatment of salt concentrations 0.2 and 0.8% both had the highest sprouting rate (72.67%), the sprouting rate between different treatments of salt concentrations were non significant. The sprouting rate was higher at treatment of pH 4〜8 (between 86.67〜100%), the sprouting rate decreased significantly when pH<4 or pH>8 (between 25.33〜33.33%). Tubers would sprout in different light qualities and darkness treatments, but the sprouting rate were higher in white light, red light and darkness treatments (between 78.67~84%), and the sprouting rate decreased under 56.57% in blue light, green light and purple light treatments.
