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篇名 冷凍、浸水、日曬與埋土深度處理對香附子 (Cyperus rotundus L.)塊莖田間出土能力之影響
卷期 37:1
並列篇名 Influence of the freezing, soaking, solarization and soil depth treatments on tuber、speouting ability of Cyperus rotundus L.
作者 黃坤傑侯金日
頁次 013-030
關鍵字 香附子塊莖出土冷凍浸水日曬埋土深度Cyperus rotundus L.tubersproutedfreezingsoakingsolarizationsoil depthTSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2016-0037(1)-013


本研究主要探討香附子(Cyperus rotundus L.)塊莖經冷凍、浸水、曰曬 與埋土深度處理對塊莖田間出土能力之影響,作為防除方法之依據及參考。在 彰化縣郊區採集香附子塊莖,選擇外觀良好之健康塊莖,香附子塊莖經處理 後,種植在裝有一般田土之盆内進行試驗,定期調查萌芽株數。試驗結果如下: 香附子塊莖不耐冷凍,萌芽率最高在冷凍1小時之處理為58.67%,在冷凍4 小時之處理,則不會萌芽,塊莖萌芽率明顯隨著冷凍時間上升而下降。塊莖經 過浸水處理後,萌芽率明顯下降,萌芽率最高在浸水14天之處理為57.33%, 但經過浸水112天之處理,萌芽率仍有20%。塊莖對曰曬處理之耐受性不佳, 萌芽率明顯隨著曰曬天數的增加而下降,萌芽率最高在曰曬1天之處理為 95.67%,曰曬4天出土率為15.7%,在曰曬5天之處理萌芽率則為0。埋土深 度對香附子出土之影響,塊莖之萌芽率會隨著埋土深度之上升而下降,在埋土 深度5 cm的處理下,出土率最高,幾乎達到100%,而埋土深度45 cm處理 後有19%之出土率。由上述4種處理方法得知,香附子塊莖進行冷凍與曰曬處 理抑制出土效果最佳,而埋土深度與淹水處理效果較差。


This study focused on the influence of tuber’s speouting ability (Cyperus rotundus L.) by using different treatments such as freezing, soaking, solarization and soil depth, which could be a method for the basis and reference of controlling. Tubers of Cjperus rotundus L. were collected in suburbs of Changhua city, after choosing healthy tubers with good appearance and did different treatments, all of the tubers were planted in each pots with general field soil for investigating the number of sprouted tubers regularly. The results are as follow: Cyperus rotundus L. could not stand freezing. Treatment of freezing 1 hour had the highest germination rate (58.67%), but there were no germination after freezing 4 hours, the germination rate of tuber decreased with freezing time rised. The germination rate decreased significantly after soaking treatment, the highest germination rate was soaking 14 days (57.33%), but after 112 days of soaking treatment, it still had 20% germination rate. Tubers could not stand solarization treatment, the germination rate of tuber decreased significantly with days of solarization rised, the highest germination rate was solarization 1 day (95.67%), the germination rate of solarization 4 days was 15.7%, and the germination rate of solarization 5 days was 0%. The germination rate of tuber decreased with soil depth rised, the highest germination rate was soil depth 5 cm (almost 100%), the germination rate of soil depth 45 cm was 19%. Known from the 4 treatments above, the best result for decreasing germination rate of tuber were freezing and solarization treatments, soil depth and soaking treatments had worse results.
