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篇名 Dao You™ 39.8% SE: A Novel Penoxsulam + Butachlor Formulation For Pre-emergence Use In Transplanted Rice In China
卷期 37:1
作者 Yi-hsiou HuangMaw-Shen LeeZhenwei Yao
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 稻悠TM平速爛丁基拉草萌前移植稻禾草莎草闊葉草Dao You TMpenoxsulambutachlorpre-emergencetransplanted ricegrassessedgesbroadleaf weedsTSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2016-0037(1)-001


一個新的水稻混合除草劑-“稻悠TM 39.8%懸浮乳劑”,由平速爛 (penoxsulam) + 丁基拉草(butachlor)以10 + 400克有效成分/公升組成。平速爛可以抑制植物乙醯乳酸合成酶,阻斷支鏈胺基酸如纈胺酸,白胺酸,異白胺酸之合成,進而抑制細胞分裂。丁基拉草是苗芽除草劑,影響細胞的生長和分裂。 平速爛是三唑嘧啶類除草劑,於許多國家被使用在闊葉雜草、莎草和稗草的萌發 後廣效控制。而丁基拉草屬於氯乙醯胺類除草劑是選擇性萌發前產品,在全球用 於水稻一年生禾本科雜草和某些闊葉雜草的控制。從2008年到2014年,在大陸 插秧水稻進行稻悠TM 39.8%懸浮乳劑防治效果和水稻耐受性的田間試驗。稻悠TM 39.8%懸浮乳劑在水稻插秧後3至7天以葉面喷麗,使用量為1、1.5,2和3公 升產品/公頃(平速爛+ 丁基拉草分別為10 + 400、15 + 600、20 + 800和30 + 1200克有效成分/公頃)時,於大陸南方和中部能夠有效防治稗草(ibh/nochloa crus-galL)、千金子 i Leptochloa chinensiss 、球花蒿草(C/perus difformis)、鴨舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)、紅骨草(Rotala ind/ca),陌上菜 iLindernia pyxidaria、和牛毛氈(Eleocharis acicularis、的萌發。在大 陸東北,稻悠TM 39.8%懸浮乳劑還提供稗草、澤瀉(Jlismap/antsgo-aquatic)和野茨菰(Sagittaria trifolia)的萌發防治。此外,稻悠TM 39.8%懸浮乳劑 提供4至6週的雜草殘效防治,並在插秧水稻上沒有造成藥害。該產品於2015年在大陸插秧水稻市場上推出使用。


A new pre-mix rice herbicide formulation, “Dao YouTM 39.8% (w/w) SE”,consists of penoxsulam + butachlor (10 + 400 g ai/L). Penoxsulam inhibits the plant enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS) which is essential for the synthesis of the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine, and isoleucine, subsequently inhibiting cell division. Butachlor is a seedling shoot inhibitor that impacts cell growth and division. Penoxsulam, a triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide herbicide, is sold in many countries for post-emergence broad-spectrum control of broadleaf weeds、 annual sedges and Echinochloa spp. grasses in rice while Butachlor, a chloroacetamide herbicide, is used globally as a selective pre-emergence product for the control of annual grasses and certain broad-leaved weeds in rice. In China, Dao YouTM 39.8% SE efficacy and crop tolerance field trials were conducted in transplanted rice from 2008 to 2014. When Dao YouTM 39.8% SE was applied at 1、 1.5、 2and 3 L pr/ha (10 + 400、 15 + 600、 20 + 800 and 30 + 1200 gai/ha, penoxsulam + butachlor, respectively) as a foliar application at 3 to 7 days after rice transplanting, it provided excellent pre-emergence control of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa cms-galli, ECHCG)、 Chinese sprangletop (Leptochloa chinensis, LEFCH)、 annual sedge (Cjperus difOrmis,CYPDI)、 monochoria (Monochoria vaginalis, MOOVA) Indian rotala (Rotala indica, ROTIN)、 common falsepimpernel (Lindernia pyxidaria, LIDPY), and needle spikerush (Eleocharis acicularis, ELOAC) in central/southern China. Under the same application protocol, Dao YouTM 39.8% SE also provided excellent pre-emergence control of ECHCG、 water plantain (Alismaplantago-aquatica, ALSPA) and threeleaf arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia, SAGTR) in northeastern China. In addition, Dao YouTM 39.8% SE provided 4 to 6 weeks residual weed control and demonstrated no visual phytotoxicity to transplanted rice. In 2015, this product was launched for use in the transplanted rice market in China.
