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篇名 中國戲曲在俄羅斯傳播與影響(1788–1990)
卷期 191
並列篇名 The Spread and Influence of Chinese Musical Drama in Russia (1788–1990)
作者 白若思
頁次 109-151
關鍵字 中國戲曲俄羅斯文化俄羅斯戲劇表演藝術中俄文化交流史Chinese musical dramaRussian cultureRussian theatreperforming artsRusso-Chinese cultural exchangeTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201603


中國戲曲文學題材傳播到俄羅斯的現象可以追溯到1788 年。十八世 紀下半葉中國戲曲隨着歐洲啟蒙時代「中國熱」傳播到俄羅斯,當時俄國已 出現了轉譯法文的中國戲曲改編本。十九世紀初至二十世紀初俄羅斯出現了 幾個「中國式」的劇作,其題材是西方文人,包括俄羅斯人,編造的;此類 劇本一直受藝人的歡迎。十九至二十世紀在俄羅斯也有許多中國戲曲的研 究、中國劇作的譯文,兩國的戲劇大師間的文化交流也由來已久;但有關中 國戲曲在俄羅斯的傳播及影響的學術研究至今極少。本文主旨在於綜合性地 探討該現象,分以下內容:俄羅斯人對中國戲曲早期的印象,俄羅斯以中國 故事為題材的劇作,俄羅斯學者對中國戲曲主要的研究成果,兩國戲劇藝術 交流,中國戲曲舞臺藝術對俄羅斯劇場的影響等方面。本文討論的時期範圍 從古代至當代,但以早期中國戲曲在俄羅斯的傳播與影響為主。


The beginning of influence of Chinese traditional musical drama in Russia can be traced to the year 1788, when the complete Russian translation of Voltaire’s Orphan of China, the adaptation of Chinese drama, was published. In the 19th–20th centuries Russian audience learned about Chinese drama through travelogues, translations of original dramatic scripts, their scenic adaptations, and scholarly articles. There was also an exchange between theatre artists in two countries starting in the 1930s. However, there have been few studies of these cultural phenomena. The purpose of the present article is the systematic study of the topic of Chinese drama influence in Russia. It includes the early Russian interpretations of traditional Chinese theatre, adaptations of Chinese dramas and literary subjects in Russian theatre, influence of the traditional performance techniques of Chinese theatre on Russian performing arts, scholarly studies and translations of Chinese dramas in Russia. The time period covered in the article extends for more than two centuries.
