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篇名 習近平時期中國「大國外交」策略下對外關係發展之分析
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Analysis of the Development of China’s Foreign Relations Under Xi’s “Big Power Diplomacy Strategy”
作者 陳慧菁林政緯
頁次 069-084
關鍵字 大國外交睦鄰外交新型大國關係Big Country DiplomacyGood-neighborly diplomacyNew Type of Great Power Relations
出刊日期 201603


「大國外交」一詞自1990 年代後成為中國對外關係的主要路線,除了顯示 出改革開放後中國在經濟上強勁發展的信心展現之外,也意味著中國自我對於其 在國際關係體系下的重新定位。中國「大國外交」路線的發展歷經了江澤民、胡 錦濤,到了現今中國第五代習李為首的領導班子主導下,將為中國的大國外交帶 來嶄新的發展與變化,必是國際上各國所共同重視與關注的焦點。習近平主導下 的中國外交,雖一再重申「永不爭霸,永不稱霸」、「以鄰為善,以鄰為伴」的「睦 鄰外交」路線,但從東海問題、南海問題、美中關係走向、習近平、李克強接連 出訪俄羅斯、非洲、歐洲等地,以及中國近年來不斷提及的「新型大國關係」、「新 型禮義觀」等外交理念,均可感受其對外政略上的積極性與主動性,特別是與美 國在國際議題上的關係互動,更成為各國觀察中國外交走向的重要指標。因此, 本文,從中國「大國外交」下的策略進行探討,分析習近平領政下的中國對外關 係的發展,以及在中國「大國外交」的策略下,國際關係中的各國與中國之間外 交關係的變化,以及對於中國對外關係所帶來之影響。


“Big Power Diplomacy” was established by Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and the fifth, current leader of CPC, Xi Jingping, while resulted in developing the path of China’s foreign relations after the 1990’s. Apart from revealing China’s willingness in strengthening economic developments after the reform in 1979, the word “Big Power Diplomacy” itself also implies China’s reorientation in international relations system. International states now value and are concerned with what would have changed and developed new progress in “Big Power Diplomacy” under Xi’s Leadership. Chinese authority reclaims the fact that China would never bully smaller countries as well as“Good-neighborly Diplomacy” which is the country itself stays committed to building friendship and partnership with neighbor countries. However, China’s foreign policy has certainly been both active and initiative under Xi’s leadership simply by viewing a few points, such as territorial disputes on the East and South China Sea, Sino-American Relations, and both Xi and Li’s visit to Russia, Africa, Europe and places around the world. “New type of Great Power Relations” along with the “New type of awareness on etiquette” is also regarded as China’s firm stance towards foreign diplomacy. In fact, China’s interaction on international issues with the U.S. specifically becomes more important indications for the world to observe its foreign policy. Therefore, this article carries on the strategic of “China’s Big Power Diplomacy” into discussion and aims to analyze the development of foreign relations under Xi’s Leadership. Furthermore, the article analyzes the changes in diplomatic relations between international states and China through its “Big Power Diplomacy”, as well as the impact of China's foreign diplomacy.
