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篇名 有機食品之購買動機、態度形成與購買意圖之研究
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Study of Purchasing Motive, Attitude Formation, and Purchasing Intention for Organic Food
作者 李啟誠高瑞新蔡玉娟
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 有機食品購買動機態度形成購買意圖Organic foodPurchasing motiveAttitude formationPurchasing intention
出刊日期 201603


隨著社會經濟的改變,現代人的飲食安全及環境保護等相關議題,逐漸成為 大眾關心的焦點,有機食品遂應運而生,為民眾寄予無限厚望。本研究主要在探 討有機食品之購買動機對形成購買態度的影響,並驗證有機食品的消費態度是否 影響其購買意圖。以便利抽樣之方式進行問卷訪談,獲得有效樣本474 份;同時 以驗證性因素分析及線性結構關係模型等統計方法進行分析。研究發現,現有台 灣消費者購買有機食品的動機,以生態動機最強,其次是樂活保健。此外,有機 食品之樂活保健、生態、政策及宗教等購買動機皆會對有機食品態度的形成具有 顯著正向的影響,顯示有機食品的購買動機是形成購買態度之良好預測因子。另 外,有機食品的形成態度對其購買意圖亦有顯著正向的影響,並為有機食品購買 動機及購買意圖之中介變數。最後依據研究結果提供建議,以為業者及相關單位參考。


With the change of society and economics, food safety, environmental protection and other related issues have become the focal points that public concern gradually. Therefore, Organic food is brought about for the people limitless expectations. The study is to explore the impact of organic food purchasing motive for the formation of consumer attitude, and verify whether the consumer attitudes of organic food influence their purchasing intentions. Through convenience sampling method getting 474 valid samples, with statistical methods of confirmatory factor analysis and linear structure equation modeling for analysis. The result is that most of Taiwan consumers choose organic food because of the ecology motive, followed by is lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS health). And Organ food purchasing motive (the LOHAS health, ecology, policy, religious motive and etc.) has a significant positive impact on forming the attitude of organ food, which displays that Organ food purchasing motive is a good predictor of organic food consumption attitude formation. In addition, purchasing attitude of organic food also has significantly positive influence on purchasing intention; and is a mediator for purchasing motive and purchasing intention of organic food. Last but not least, according to the study result offers the suggestions to industry and related units for the reference.
