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篇名 善人•善書•善念—陳江山及其《精神錄》的版本流傳與思想探源
卷期 190
並列篇名 Philanthropist, Morality Books, and Benevolent Thought: An Analysis of the Editions, Circulation, and Philosophical Thinking of Chen Jiangshan’s Jingshen lu
作者 柯榮三
頁次 129-189
關鍵字 陳江山陳岷源精神錄善書蘭記書局Chen JiangshanChen Minyuan“Jingshen Lu,”morality bookLanji BookstoreTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201512


賀箭村編纂之《古今善書大辭典》(1935 跋刊本)收錄善書書目共計 169 條。其中,著錄有「臺灣臺南州臺南市岷源陳江山」所編撰之《精神錄》 (1929)。在這169 筆書目當中,《精神錄》是唯一一本由臺籍人士「陳江山」 (1881–1964,字岷源,臺南人),在日治時期以漢文著作的善書,從臺灣傳 統文化研究的角度觀之,自有值得深入探討的特殊意義與價值。 本文首先梳理陳江山這位「篤信善道,慷慨好施」的善人生平;其次, 根據目前所知見之《精神錄》的15 種版本,勾勒其從日治時期以迄戰後數度 重印、傳抄之景況;最後,考察《精神錄》內容,對於陳江山勸善思想來源 進行初步探討。


In 1935, He Jiancun from Shaanxi province compiled a Dictionary of Morality Books. Among the 169 entries included, there is only one morality book from Taiwan. Chen Jiangshan’s Jingshen lu (1929), though published during the Japanese colonial period, was composed in Chinese, not the official language Japanese. Its significance and merit well deserves a place in Taiwanese traditional culture research. I first give an account of Chen Jiangshan’s life, who had been known for his benevolence and charity works. In addition, I describe the printing and circulation history of his Jingshen lu from the Japanese era onto post-war times. Finally, I examine the content of Jingshen lu and give an preliminary discussion on the origin of Chen Jiangshan’s didacticism.
