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篇名 國立中山大學「風俗物品陳列室」舊藏閩南語歌仔冊述論
卷期 190
並列篇名 Studies on the Minnan Gezi Booklets Collection in Folklore Artifacts Exhibition Room of Sun Yat-sen University
作者 潘培忠
頁次 191-230
關鍵字 「風俗物品陳列室」閩南語歌仔冊顧頡剛國立中山大學Folklore Artifacts Exhibition RoomMinnan Gezi bookletsGu JiegangSun Yat-sen UniversityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201512


上世紀二十年代末,位於廣州的國立中山大學語言歷史學研究所成立 「民俗學會」,並創建「風俗物品陳列室」。作為實際主持者的顧頡剛,此前任 教廈門大學時已關注閩南語歌仔冊,曾經為廈大的「風俗物品陳列室」購藏 泉州唱本。抵達廣州後,顧頡剛又推動國立中山大學「風俗物品陳列室」購 藏一批歌仔冊文獻,在親自作了整理後於《民俗週刊》1928 年10 月號上給 予刊佈。由於戰爭、遷校、動亂等諸種原因,國立中山大學「風俗物品陳列 室」舊藏閩南語歌仔冊,目前僅遺存四十九種、五十二冊,然而卻有其獨特 的歷史意義和文獻價值。這批文獻是近代中國民俗學運動的歷史見證者,亦 是海峽兩岸最早由公立機構收藏的歌仔冊文獻之一。它們大體購於1928 年 至1930 年之間,且多為廈門會文堂書局出版者,借助於它們或可解決歌仔 冊刊行的一些問題。其中亦包含有一些珍稀版本,值得閩南語歌仔冊研究者 的關注和研究。


When the Institute of Philology and History of Sun Yat-sen University organized Folklore Society at the end of 1920s, they also established the Folklore Artifacts Exhibition Room. Gu Jiegang, who was in charge of the matter, had paid close attention to the Minnan (southern Fujian) Gezi (folk songs) booklets since he was teaching in Xiamen University previously. He purchased Gezi booklets from Quanzhou for the Folklore Artifacts Exhibition Room in Xiamen University. When he came to Guangzhou, he did the same for the Folklore Artifacts Exhibition Room in Sun Yat-sen University. After he arranged and sorted them, Gu Jiegang published the list in Folklore Weekly, October, 1928. Due to the devastation of war, campus relocation, and social turmoil, there are only 49 titles in 52 booklets left in the Sun Yat-sen University Gezi booklets collection. These Gezi booklets witnessed the Folklore Movement of last century. They are the first Gezi booklets to be archived by public organizations. Its unique historical significance cannot be overvalued. Most of them were purchased between 1928 and 1930, mainly from the Xiamen publisher Huiwentang. They may help solve problems regarding the publishing and printing of Gezi booklets. There are also some rare editions, well worth the Minnan Gezi scholars’ attention.
