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篇名 楚文字的標點符號和文字造形-以郭店楚簡《老子》為例
卷期 25
並列篇名 The Chu writing punctuation mark and the writing shape - take Guodian Chu Jan Laozi as examples
作者 蕭順杰
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 郭店符號老子造形GuodiansymbolsLao Tzumodeling
出刊日期 201510


由於近現代考古學熱絡,幾十年來陸續不斷發掘出土之楚系簡帛文字,目前已知發表有三 十餘種、十餘萬字,而郭店楚墓出土竹簡中的《老子》曱、乙、丙三篇即是其中的一部份。 郭店楚簡《老子》曱、乙、丙本裡標誌符號的使用猶如現今文章寫作所用的「標點符號」, 形式有Z鈎形、一短橫、二短橫、墨釘(塊)等四種,原則上用以表示篇章,句讀、文字重復及上、下二字合體之意。但是由於傳抄的書手(書寫者)習慣、學養不同,這四 種形式之標誌符號所要表達的意義及出現的次數均不相同,竹書篇章裡所使用的標誌符號尚無 一定準則,亦非以上四種形式都使用,其使用並未如「標點符號」有一定制式規範。 在書法文字方面,出土的郭店楚簡文字深具楚系文字的特性,字形體屬於古文篆書,為秦 兼併後所禁用的楚系文字,它與秦系文字雖然皆傳承自商周,但因地域文化風情不同,所發展 呈現的書法造形及用字秦、楚各異。這些文字為典籍經書而非一般的公文或文書,乃經由專人 抄寫,字體典雅、秀麗。文字造形,多同於郭忠恕《汗簡》、夏竦《古文四聲韵》所引用的古文。 這些古文歷年來長期遭受學者否定並懷疑是杜撰偽造的。但是近幾十年來隨著戰國簡$文字的 不斷出土,與學者不斷的研究發現,二書重新受到重視並還其清白,在出土的戰國古文字中以 郭店楚簡裡的特異字形,與二書的古文寫法相同或相近似的最多。


Because of modern archeology warm for decades have continued to explore Chu Department Bamboosilk text unearthed, now known to have published more than thirty species, more than ten million words, and Guodian Chu bamboo slips unearthed in the "I" armor , B, C is one of three that is a part. Guodian Slips "I" A, B, C present in the glyphs used like article writing used today, "punctuation", in the form of hook-Z, a dash, two short horizontal, ink tack (block) the four species, in principle, to indicate the chapter, read the sentence, word repetition and the upper and lower word meaning fit. However, due to private copies of books hand ( writer ) habits, school support different meaning these four forms of glyphs to be expressed and the number of occurrences are not the same glyph chapter in the bamboo slips used no certain criteria, nor These four forms are used, such as its use is not "punctuation" there is a certain standard specifications. In calligraphy written language, unearthed deep Chu Kingdom Chu as the text-based text feature, word form below to classical Seal, after annexing the disabled Qin Chu line of text, the text although it Qin Department are inherited from the Shang and Zhou, but due to the different regional cultures and customs, which shape the development of calligraphy and presented with the word Qin, Chu different. These text-books by the book rather than the usual document or instmment, is copied by hand, fonts and elegant, beautiful. Text shape, much the same in Kuo "Khan Jane", Xia Song "classical four rhyme" referenced classical. Over the years, scholars have long suffered from these classical negation and Huai doubt apociyphal forged. But in recent decades as the Warring States Bamboosilk text constantly unearthed, and scholars continue to study found that two books renewed attention and also their innocence, the Wairing States period unearthed in the ancient text to Guodian Slips specific shape, with two Ancient book of the same or similar wording like most.
