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篇名 浯江詩人林豪生平暨著述研究
卷期 25
並列篇名 The Research of Wu Jiang Poet Lin Hao's Life and Works
作者 寗國平
頁次 167-194
關鍵字 浯江詩人林豪誦清堂詩集東瀛紀事林豪年譜金門志Wu Jiang poet Lin HaoSong Cing Tang collection of poemsDong Ying Ji ShihLin Hao chronicle
出刊日期 201510


本文旨在探究林豪的詩文人生,期能完整呈現其一生經歷及貢獻。撰述過程中,以溯源研 究法(Expost facto study)及文獻研究法(documentary research) ’詳核所蒐集資料,期建構林豪 的全人貌人生拚圖。因此,除探究其詩作之外,並蒐集相關文獻,將林豪一生,從一歲到八十 八歲完整的「生平年譜及著述年表」附錄於文末,提供給後來者研究作參考,期能對林豪的經 歷與作品研究有所貢獻。 清代科舉制度下產生的具象徵性代表性人物之一,就是林豪的詩文人生。林豪自幼飽讀詩 書,數次參加科考,後七次上京趕考進士未果,以至東渡台灣、澎湖求發展,安居金門,均以 詩文紀錄其所思、所言、所行。 本文因考證需要,蒐集了林豪的詩文集及相關家族生平等原始資料。然因篇幅關係,無法 顯現出來。這些資料可作為日後研究參考或進一步研究時另行析述;此外,對於林豪的詩作及 年代,均是紀錄及了解清代生活的絕佳材料,有識者可再作進一步研究。


This present work of study explores Wu Jiang poet Lin Hao's life, attempts to present and discuss his lifetime experiences and devotion. By using Expost facto study and documentary research, this thesis collects and collates the materials to build a thorough background of Lin Hao5s whole life. This article gathers and discusses his poems and related documents; moreover, it provides his eighty-eight-year chronicle and the timeline of works in the appendix, offering to the researchers who interested, and hoping to contribute to the research of Lin Hao. Lin Hao is one of the representative figures under the imperial examination system of the Ching Dynasty. He persevered in his studies in spite of hardships and took the examinations several times. After seven failures in the exam, he migrated to Taiwan, Penghu, then settled in Kinmen, recorded his thoughts and living through his poems. In order to make a textual research, this study collects many original materials, including the poem collections, genealogy and so forth, however, only part of them can be mentioned due to the limited length. These documents can be used by other studies or further researches in the future. Furthermore, Lin Hao’s poems and his generation are excellent sources to the life of Ching Dynasty, for anyone who interested in may do a fiirther research.
