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篇名 行為藝術《祭拜畫靈:乾坤不老》中巫術儀式的再現與表達
卷期 25
並列篇名 The represent and express in the ritual of magic in performance art of "Worship The Soul of Painting: The Immortal Universe"
作者 陳姿伶
頁次 125-146
關鍵字 行為藝術再現表徵表達Performance artrepresentrepresentationexpress
出刊日期 201510


本文以張永村2001年在智邦藝術基金會演出的行為藝術(Performance art)作品《祭拜畫 靈:乾坤不老》論述其以宗教祭儀的方式,透過儀式(ritual)的再現(represent)與自創的角色 一乾坤不老,表達對整個社會現象的觀察與批判;除了呈現祭儀本身與天地溝通的祈福與膜拜, 也加入本地文化素材與生活體驗 > 最終更像是有意暴露社會現象中的集體焦慮感。 文化研究學者斯圖亞特•霍爾(Stuart Hall)對於「再現」的意義延伸提出了「表徵」 (representation)的觀念,試圖以再現、表徵兩方面來看呈現(present)過程。「表徵」在其中 雜揉了整個文化符號的意義生產和流通,意即除了「再現」形式與扮演,還加入了話語與符號 意義的轉換而達成藝術家的意義「表徵」。 本文基於霍爾對再現、表徵的看法,試圖以此分析《祭拜畫靈:乾坤不老》作品中1.「再 現」祭儀與角色扮演2.透過話語及符號延伸的「表徵」意義,兩個部份。試圖說明作品除了祭 儀的「再現」與人物扮演作為「表達」手段外,其延伸的「表徵」意義正好說明藝術家所欲傳 達的不老與永恆。


This article offers the viewpoints towards the exhibition of "Worship The Soul of Painting: The Immortal Universe" ( Yung-Tsun Chang, Taipei: Action Arts Foundation, 2001 ) . Religious rituals way through the ritual of represent, and the role of own universe is not old, to expression of the whole social phenomena observation and critique; addition to presenting festival instrument itself to communicate with the world to pray and worship, also joined the local cultural materials and life experience, and ultimately more like a deliberately exposed to social phenomena of collective anxiety. Cultural studies scholar Stuart Hall to "represent" proposed extending the meaning of "representation" of the concept. He ti'ied to "represent" both "representation" term "present" in process. "Representation" is the entire cultural hybridist symbolic significance of the production and circulation. It means that in addition to "represent" the form and play, also joined the discourse and symbolic significance of the artist’s conversion reached significance "representation". Based Hall reproduction, representation views, attempt to analyze "Worship The Soul of Painting, the Immortal Universe" in 1. "Represent" in ritual and play the role of The Immortal Universe "Representation" meaning through words and symbols 2. "Representation" meaning through words and symbols extended. In addition to the work described in both directions rituals "represent" the people cast as "express" means the outside. "Representation" extending its significance goes to show that the artist is seeking to convey of The Immortal Universe and eternal.
