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篇名 演變中的電影異學-以1976年與 2013年之《魔女嘉莉》為例
卷期 25
並列篇名 The changing Film Aesthetics Taking《Carrie》of 1976 and 2013 as examples
作者 郭文蕙廖金鳳
頁次 099-123
關鍵字 《魔女嘉莉》舊片新拍數位特效女性場面調度Carrieremakedigital effectsfemalemise en scene
出刊日期 201510


近年來隨著數位化、全球化的趨勢,電影中的美學呈現亦不斷地在演變,不論是形式風格、 文本和符碼呈現的方式,以及我們對其賦予的意義,都正在變化中。 本文以1976年和2013年的《魔女嘉莉》為例,藉由比較這兩部不同時空卻同一文本的電 影,探討兩位導演的不同觀點與手法,和因數位科技在戲裡戲外為場面調度與文本帶來的影響, 並分析影片中重複使用的血、性愛、霸凌和復仇等符號所代表的意義;並歸納這兩部影片所反 映出這近40年來社會價值觀的演變,包括如何接納女性自主慾望和形塑主角進而得到觀眾的理 解並認同其行為等等相關思考。


Cinema aesthetics are changing, especially in a world that is increasingly globalized and digitized. In terms of styles and contents of films, the ways of representing symbols and their definitions have been evolving. This thesis takes the films Carrie of 1976 and of 2013 as examples. By comparing the two films, the thesis examines the different points of view, the forms of representation, the mise-en-scene, and the contents of the movies. Given the progress of digital technology, the thesis further explores how symbols and their meaning have shifted from the original to the remake ( blood, sex, bullying, revenge, etc. ) . The thesis concludes with an ovei-view of the evolving social values over the past 40 years as reflected in the two movies, including audience acceptance of female desires and characters? behaviors through movie character design.
