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篇名 動畫電影中女性英雄之角色性格與造型探討
卷期 25
並列篇名 Discussing the Personality and Shape of Heroine in Animated Feather
作者 周衡儀吳佩芬
頁次 075-098
關鍵字 動畫電影角色性格角色造型女性英雄Animated featurepersonality of charactershape of characterheroine
出刊日期 201510


一部動畫電影之所以能吸引觀眾,無非是仰賴角色與故事此兩重要元素,而角色的性格、 造型對於觀眾是否能產生深刻的印象且被接受更顯得重要。大部分的動晝片主角以男性英雄為 主,鮮少以女性英雄為主角,但世代轉變女性的自我意識逐漸受到重視,同時也伴隨著動畫電 影漸漸地轉型,對於女性角色的詮釋也隨之改變,因此本研究選擇奥斯卡最佳動畫的《勇敢傳 說》與《冰雪奇緣》作為以女性英雄為代表之研究樣本,研究方法採用文本分析法與專家評估 法進行探討,比較兩部電影動晝中女性英雄角色及其他支撐女性的次要角色,以及角色的性格 特徵與造型設計間存在的相似性與差異性。


An animated feature attracts the audience relied on two elements of character and stoiy. This is reflected in the personality and shape design of animated feature would decide whether the audience accept and be impressed or not. Most of the animation's protagonist is male-dominated, but female-dominated is seldom. The animated feature has gradually transitioned to inteipret the female characters when the feminist liberation moved. There are two Academy Award for Best Animated Features "Brave" (2013) and "Frozen" (2014) were chosen as the samples to discuss the personality and shape design of heroines in the animated feature. In order to improve the reliability and validity, we used textual analysis and expert evaluation methods for discussing deeply to compare the features between heroine and supported heroine in the animated feature. The result showed that heroines in the two animated feature represented mainly feminist consciousness, and existed the design principle of commons and differences in heroines’ character.
