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篇名 《古老子文字編》補證-八種文本比較研究
卷期 25
並列篇名 Evidences of Comparing Eight Supplements in Gu Laozi Wen Zi Bian (Chinese Character Dictionary of Ancient Laozi)
作者 劉嘉成
頁次 027-048
關鍵字 古老子老子傳抄古文道德經碑刻書法Copying Ancient WordsGu LaoziLao ZiDao De Jingstele Calligraphy
出刊日期 201510


本文根據研究需要,將元代高翱〈古老子〉碑刻的碑文,重新編輯整理,由於原書寫字體 為「傳抄古文」,檢閱徐在國/黃德寬《古老子文字編》的同時,亦參考諸多近人釋文版本,通 假字、古今字、繁簡字、避諱字等用字法差異,導致釋文不一,加上檢索方式各異,造成讀者 檢索極大困擾與疏漏。 有鑑於此,本文透過以下文本的比較,如徐在國/黃德寬《古老子文字編》、丁治民《集篆 古文韻海校補》、劉兆英編譯《元刻樓觀篆書本道德經》、高明《帛書老子校注》、朱謙之《老子 校釋》、何士驥《古本道德經校刊》,與流傳至今的「王弼本」、「河上公本」共八種文本,相互 參照,發現歧異之處,嘗試找出相關問題,以便於《古老子文字編》的使用與檢索,所謂「無處不靠善本。」


For further research, this thesis is concerned with re-editing and compiling the stele calligraphy of Yuan Dynasty Gao Dao's Gu Laozi. The original calligraphy character is Copying Ancient Words (manual copied paleography). After researching Gu Laozi Wen Zi Bian, this thesis referenced several kinds of annotations to the text. The differences of borrowed words,ancient and modem words, traditional and simplified Chinese characters,taboo characters result in different annotations. A variety of Chinese calligraphic character retrieval caused great confusions and omissions. In view of this, the aim of this thesis is to compare eight texts such as the following: Gu laozi wen zi bian by Xu zai guo and Huang De Kuan Corrections of Ji Zhuan Guwen Yunhai by Din Zhi Min Yuan Ke Louguan zhuan shu Ben Dao De Jing edited by Liu Zhao Ying Bo Shu Lao Zi Xiao Zhu by Gao Ming Lao Zi Xizo Shi by Zhu Qian Zhi Gu Ben Dao De Jing Ziao Kan by He Shi Ji Lao Zi Dao De Jing Wang Bi Ben Lao Zi Dao De Jing He Shang Gong Ben To contrast these reference materials makes the retrieval of Gu Laozi Wen Zi Bian more completed.
