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篇名 含羞草(Mimosa pudica L.)及美洲含羞草 (Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright ex Sauvalle) 種子休眠解除之探討
卷期 36:2
並列篇名 Studies on the seed dormancy breaking of Mimosa pudica L. and Mimosa diplotricha
作者 曾琦閔侯金日
頁次 153-168
關鍵字 含羞草美洲含羞草種子發芽休眠解除冷層積處理冷凍處理GA3濃硫酸處理化學藥劑Mimosapudica LMimosa diplotricha C.seed germinationdormancy breakingstratification treatmentsfreezing treatmentsgibberellic acid sulfuric acid treatmentschemical medicamentTSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2015-0036(2)-153


含羞萆(Mimosa pudica L)反美洲含羞萆(Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright ex Sauvalle)種皮具硬實休眠性。本研究主要利用不同處理對兩種含羞草屬植物種子休 眠解除之影響,結果如下:含羞草以磨砂處理5分鐘,美洲含羞草以磨砂處理10 分鐘能達最高發芽率100%。濃硫酸處理隨濃度增加休眠解除效果越佳,含羞草以 50=%與75 %濃硫酸處理5分鐘最高發芽達95〜99 % ;美洲含羞草以相同濃度處理 最高發芽則達100%。而98%濃硫酸處理發芽率有降低之現象。熱水處理有效解 除美洲含羞草種子休眠,以80 ℃熱水處理5分鐘最高發芽率達100%,而含羞草 則只有62 %。GA3處理則無法有效解除種子休眠,發芽率介於17〜43 %(含羞草) 與11〜18 %(美洲含羞草)之間。冷層積處理對含羞草有部分之休眠解除以5 ℃及 10 ℃層積兩週,發芽率由37 %提高為55 %,而美洲含羞草則無顯著之效果。冷凍法處理也無法有效解除兩種含羞草屬植物種子之休眠。


Mimosa pudica L. (M. pudica) and Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright ex Sauvalle(M. diplotricha) seed are hardseededness. The purpose of this research was to study ifferent treatments on seed dormancy breaking. The results were summarized as follows: Conducting different dormancy breaking treatments, germination of M. pudica and M. diplotricha were increased to100 %, when rubbed with sandpapers for 5 min. With the sulfuric acid concentration increasing, seeds were broken dormancy better. Germination of M. pudica and M diplotricha were increased to 95〜99 % and 100 %, when M. pudica and M diplotricha were soaked in the sulfuric acid 50〜75 % for 5 min. The sulfuric acid 98 % decreased germination. Heat scarification at 80 ℃ water for 5 min was effective as it increased germination of M. pudica seeds to100 % and M. diplotricha seeds to 62 %. The gibberellic acid (GA3) treatments were non-effective in breaking dormancy between the germination percentage of M pudica(17〜43 %) and M diplotricha (17〜43 %). The treatment of stratification at 5 ℃ and 10 ℃ for 2 weeks showed partially effectiveness in increasing the germination percentage of the M. pudica seeds from 37 % to 55 %, otherwise it was significantly non-effective on M. diplotricha seeds. The freezing treatments were non-effective in breaking the seed dormancy of M. pudica and M. diplotricha.
