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篇名 含羞萆(Mimosa pudica L.)反美洲含羞草 (Mimosa dp/o/r/cAa)無休眠種子發芽特性之研究
卷期 36:2
並列篇名 Studies on the no dormancy Seed Germination Characteristics of Mimosa pudica L. and Mimosa diplotricha
作者 曾琦閔侯金日
頁次 131-151
關鍵字 含羞草美洲含羞草種子發芽休眠解除環境因子Mimosa pudica L.Mimosa diplotricha C.seed germinationdormancy breakingenvironmental factorsTSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2015-0036(2)-131


本研究主要目的探討已解除休眠之含羞草(Mimosa pudica L.)及美洲含羞草 (Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright ex Sauvalle)種子,在不同環境下之發芽能力,結果如 下:恆溫環境下,最適的萌芽溫度為25〜40 ℃,含羞草、美洲含羞草發芽率皆達 90 %以上,平均發芽曰數以30 ℃以上1.0〜1.1天最短,發芽速率指數也以30℃ 以上最快分別為45與50。變溫下以30/25 ℃、35/30 ℃發芽能力最佳。含羞草、 美洲含羞草種子中等耐旱程度,可發芽的水分潛勢範圍分別在0〜-0.8、0〜-1.0 MPa間,發芽率隨水分潛勢下降而下降,含羞草在-0.4 MPa發芽率54%,美洲 含羞草在-0.6 MPa發芽率59%。含羞草、美洲含羞草種子發芽率隨鹽分濃度下 降而遞減,含羞草種子在鹽分濃度150 mmol L—1下發芽率降為62%,美洲含羞草 種子在鹽分濃度200 mmol L—1下發芽率降為73%。含羞草、美洲含羞草發芽率隨 溶液酸鹼度呈拋物線分配以pH6及pH7最高,達90%以上。光照時間和光質對含 羞草、美洲含羞草種子發芽影響不大。埋土深度試驗中,以覆土 0.5〜2.0 cm處理,含羞草種子幼苗出土率67〜71%,美洲含羞草幼苗出土率70〜81%,幼苗出土率隨 埋土深度增加而下降,含羞草幼苗在埋土深度6cm不出土,美洲含羞草幼苗在埋 土深度7 cm不出土。


The purpose of this research was to study after dormancy breaking, experiments were conducted to determine the effect of various environmental factors on M. pudica and M. diplotricha seed germination, the results as follows: The seeds of M. pudica and M diplotricha can germinate at fitting constant temperature 25〜40℃. The seeds of M pudica and M. diplotricha have good germination under 30/25℃, 35/30℃ inconstant temperature. The osmotic potential in the range between 0 —0.8 MPa and 0 —1.0 MPa osmotic stress able to germinate the seeds of M pudica and M d/plotricha. Germination of M. pudica and M. diplotricha were decreased to 54 % and 59 % under — 0.4 MPa and —0.6 MPa osmotic stress. Regarding salt concentration, the seeds of M. pudica and M. diplotricha decreased germination to 62 % and 73 % in concentration rate at 150 mmol L—1 and 200 mmol L—1. With solution pH degree increasing, the germination of M. pudica and M. diplotricha both are Parabolic distribution, over 90 % at pH 6 and pH 7 highest . Light-time and light have some influence to the germination. Seedling emergence of M pudica and M diplotricha were 67 to 71 % and 70 to 81 % at depths of 0 to 2 cm but decreased progressively at deeper depths, and no seedlings emerged from seed buried at 6 cm and 7 cm.
