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篇名 授課時數多寡對小ㄧ注音符號學習之動態模擬
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Dynamic Simulation of Learning Chinese Phonetic Symbols Hours of First Grade Students
作者 藍天雄郭東昇林明錦
頁次 128-137
關鍵字 注音符號教學學習成效系統動態學Chinese Phonetic Symbols teachinglearning effectssystem dynamics
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).10


每年國民義務教育起跑點的第一個重頭大戲就是注音符號教學,而注音符號 是台灣人學習中國文字獨特的工具,其學習成效將影響未來各項學科的學習表現, 因此,注音符號的學習成效在整個教育階段中,實屬重要。 根據研究者調查發現,本校一、二年級學童在入學前的學前階段中已學過注 音符號的比例高達九成以上,但入學後學童學習上的落差甚大、程度參差不齊, 而影響國小一年級注音符號學習成效的相關變數頗多,有學童聲韻調覺識能力、 家庭給予學童的文化刺激、教師教學運用多媒體及補救教學等四個子系統,每一 子系統相互連結、互成因果、環環相扣,必須共同討論。 長久以來,有關注音符號學習成效的研究,一般多為單一主題的探討,因此, 本研究嘗試以系統動態學的觀點,運用 Vensim 套裝軟體,進行有關國小一年級 注音符號學習成效相關因素的模式建構及動態模擬,並探討、分析與說明注音符 號教學中各變數對學童學習成效之影響。 此一研究,將數個靜態的研究主題加以結合,形成一綜合之動態研究,模擬 的結果,期望能瞭解目前注音符號教學的困境,提供各教育先進及政策決策者參 考與建議,也期望能提供家長們有不同的省思和建議,並進而提升學童注音符號 使用的能力。


Every year of elementary compulsory education, the first most important step is Chinese Phonetic Symbols teaching. Chinese Phonetic Symbols is the phonetic transliteration system for Chinese used especially in Taiwan. That learning effects will influence on other subjects learning effects in the future. Therefore, the learning effect of Chinese Phonetic Symbols is important in the whole educational period. Most of first grade students in Guengguan elementary school have learned Chinese Phonetic Symbols, when they were in preschool that leads to the very large different gaps of the learning effects. There are numerous relevant variables to affect children learning Chinese Phonetic Symbols. This research generalizes four main variables---the Syllable perceptivity of students, the cultural stimulation of parents to children, the multimedia using of teachers, and the remedial teaching. Each subsystem is closely linked and inseparable, hence, we should discuss the four variables together. For long, there have been lots of single topic investigations about the related issues of Chinese Phonetic Symbols. This study attempts to system dynamics perspective, it uses Vensim software to establish the system mode, analyze and explain the Chinese Phonetic Symbols learning effects of children.This study combines several static topics to one comprehensive dynamic research. The results of this study will let pepole understand the predicament of Chinese Phonetic Symbols and provide valuable references and suggestions for policymakers to make decisions. Through this study, it is hoped to promote the Chinese Phonetic Symbols leaning motivation and effect of children.

