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篇名 Ubike APP 數位資本內涵與性別差異重要性之研究
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Prioritizing Measures of Ubike APP Digital Capital and Gender Differences
作者 劉仲矩廖子寧
頁次 094-107
關鍵字 應用程式數位資本認知價值層級分析法applicationdigital capitalperceived valueanalytic hierarchy process
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).08


台灣在2009 年設置公共自行車系統,其設置目的是為了降低對環境的汙染並改 善都市交通;現代生活中智慧型手機已不可或缺,行動服務商機隨之備受關注,應 用程式(Application,APP)與行動科技的連結形成極大商機,也導致大家意識到數位 資本的重要性。在極具發展性的領域中,必會吸引眾多競爭者,若業者欲脫穎而出, 首要之務便是提升消費者心中對於應用程式的認知價值,以提升其競爭力。本研究 搜集之有效樣本19 位,選用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)收集並分 析資料,深入探討Ubike APP 數位資本的內涵,結果顯示在使用者心中三大主構面 排名依序為:網路服務資本、網路關係資本、網路顧客資本。此外,在性別上的共 同點是強調網路服務資本,但其它仍有些差異。


Ubike launched officially in 2009, for reducing the pollution and improving urban traffic. In modern life, Smartphone gradually becomes one of our dispensable part, making the public pays more attention to the area of mobile service, and the combination of application and mobile digital technology has prospect to expect and makes everyone sense the importance of digital capital. If a business wants to be outstanding in front of many competitors, the first thing to do is to raise the perceived value of application in consumers' mind to increase their competition. This study collects nineteen samples and uses AHP to analyze the data to discuss deeply about the inner meaning of Ubike app digital capital in order to understand what value it brings to consumers, and it turns out to be internet service capital, internet relation service capital and internet customer capital in sequence. In addition, there is no difference in internet service capital between gender, but there are still some differences in another dimension of digital capital.

