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篇名 两岸职业院校合作办学项目实证研究—基于上海立达学院连锁经营管理专业建设
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 An Empirical Study on Cooperative Education Project between Vocational Colleges in Taiwan and Mainland China -- Based on Construction of Department of Chain Business Operation and Management in Shanghai Lida Polytechic Institute
作者 童宏祥王晓艳居滋培王建华
頁次 047-053
關鍵字 两岸合作办学人才培养模式专业建设实证研究Cooperative education project between two sides of straitstalents training mode
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).04




Based on the cooperative education project between Shanghai Lida Polytechnic Institute and Hwing Wu University, this paper describes innovative practices on talents training mode design, training material and curricula framework composition, qualified faculty team building, and practical training base construction by drawing on an empirical case of department of chain business operation and management. Rich data were collected and analyzed to illustrate the inspiring cooperation mode, method and remarkable achievements in textbook composition, teaching staff and training base construction between colleges and enterprises across straits.

