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篇名 以計畫行為理論探討國小學童網路成癮行為及相關因素
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Investigate the Elementary Students with Internet Addiction Related FactorsUsing the Theory of Planned Behavior to Investigate the Elementary Students with Internet Addiction Related Factors
作者 于健邱孟緘
頁次 029-046
關鍵字 計畫行為理論網路成癮國小學童Theory of Planned BehaviorInternet addictionInternet addiction
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).03


本研究運用計畫行為理論,參考相關文獻建立主要變數之量表以測量國小高年 級學童網路使用現況,與態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制等變數與其網路成癮行為 之關聯性,共計回收有效問卷285 份。研究發現: (1). 以上網目的而言,有44.9%的學生上網目的為玩線上遊戲,19.3%的學生上網目 的為下載音樂或觀賞影片,10.9%的學生上網目的在於網路聊天或交友,上網已 是多數學生社交與休閒娛樂的方式之一。 (2). 以上網地點和時間而言,有94.7%的學生都可在家裡上網,有22.8%之學童上網 時間並沒有被限制,其平均每次上網時間與平均每週上網次數都顯著較高,可視 為網路成癮之高危險群。與先前教育部針對國小四年級到六年級學童調查資料指 出,網路成癮高危險群約佔20%的比例接近。 (3). 在網路成癮態度方面,整體平均值偏負向,其中女學生比男學生較正向,學業成 績為在班上後1/3 學生較負向,顯示男學生與成績較差的學生較容易有網路成癮 傾向。 (4). 在知覺行為控制方面,整體平均值偏負向,以網路聊天或交友為上網目的之學生 其自我控制力較低。 (5). 在網路成癮行為傾向方面,研究發現男生高於女生、五年級高於六年級、學業成 績在班上後1/3 的學生比前1/3 的學生有較高的網路成癮現象。 (6). 年級、學業成績、網路成癮態度、網路成癮主觀規範與網路成癮知覺行為控制, 能有效解釋與預測國小高年級學童之網路成癮行為,累積解釋變異量達45.0%。


This study using the Theory of Planned Behavior to investigate elementary students’ behavioral problems of internet addiction, the attitude toward internet addiction, subjection norm for internet addiction, perceived behavioral control for internet addiction and related factors. A total of 285 valid questionnaires were. The main findings of this study are as follows.1. There are 44.9% of students on the study whose purpose is to use internet for the online games, 19.3% for downloading music or videos and 10.9% for internet chatting or online personals. 2. The results pointed to 94.7% of students on the study used internet at home with computer equipment, 22.8% of students on the study used internet time unlimited. 3. Attitude toward internet addiction of girls than boys positive, the first third academic performance than one-third positive. 4. Perceived behavioral control for internet addiction, the students who used internet for internet chat or online personals less control force than others. 5. The addiction behavior, serious boys than girls, the one-third academic performance than first third. 6. Background variables studied, attitude toward internet addiction, subjection norm for internet addiction, perceived behavioral control for internet addiction can predict the behavior of internet addiction, and may explain 45% of variance.

