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篇名 專題論文關鍵成功職能:以實踐大學資管系為例
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Critical Success Competency in Graduate Projects at the Information management Department of Shih Chien University
作者 韓慧林林姿儀陳玟秀吳敏暄
頁次 015-028
關鍵字 關鍵成功因素關鍵成功職能投票式權重評選模式Critical Success Factors Critical Success Competency Voting-ranking Model
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).02




Today’s turbulent information technology environment characterised by uncertainty and inability to predict the future is extremely challenging, and thus requires the development of new competences. Especially within project management, competence development is one of the critical success factors. Competence development is seen as a critical success factor ensuring companies’ competitiveness. We take the “Graduate Projects” courses on Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus as an example. By students who had passed the course, to carry out Google questionnaires. The voting-ranking model is used to evaluate and calculate the weights of critical success competences (CSCs) of “Graduate Projects”. We find out four CSCs, 20 Sub-CSCs and the descended ranking as the “Skill, Ability, Knowledge and Others-Personal Characteristics”. The results of this study can provide a reference for one who intends to set up the “Graduate Projects” course.

