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篇名 國軍開放智慧型行動裝置困難點之調查研究
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Difficulty of the Military Admire the Using the Smart Mobile Devices
作者 林俊達陳以明呂理立
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 國軍智慧行動裝置SWOT 分析法AHPSmart Mobile DeviceAnalytical Hierarchy ProcessMilitary
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).01


本研究探討影響國軍開放智慧型行動裝置困難點。本研究採用筆者所自行設計 之問卷對於專家進行問卷調查,研究對象為任職軍方相關管理、資訊職務,經專家 問卷之評選結果制定出四項評選準則,發放40~50 份問卷發給國軍部隊基層人員, 最後進一步評選出最適合的國軍智慧型手機之管理方式調查,發放發出問卷 25 份, 回收 25 份,回收率為 100%。 達此目的,本研究先進行文獻蒐集、並彙整專家意見,找出最合適的評選準則。 再實施問卷調查,求得研究數據,並透過層級分析法(AHP)分析樣本,決定各準則之 相對權重,歸納出影響國軍開放智慧型行行動裝置的困難因素與權重關係,最後將 研究所得歸納總結並撰寫論文,運用建構出來的評選指標與對應權重值提供給予決 策者之客觀依據,訂定管理方法解決關鍵困難因素所衍生問題,以達開放智慧型行 動裝置之可行性。


This study was to investigate the effects and difficulty of military allow to use Smart Mobile Device. SWOT analysis is initial to discuss the outer opportunities and threats and the strengths and weaknesses of the internal organization opening. The study then summarized and analyzed the relevant literature to use AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process; AHP) to do expert questionnaire. It summed up the key factor and the rank list in opening the smart mobile of the group and to make the opening policy, expected to confirm a key factor for decision-making levels to understand factors of weight as the basis for decision-making criteria. Expected results of this study can be summarized analysis of relevant factors and weights open smart mobile in military. It also can provide strategies and police to decision-makers, then set the management solution and solve the difficulties of the issues in order to open the smart mobile devices.

