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篇名 演員劇場的消解與重解:從魏海敏的表演藝術探究戲曲的「當代性」
卷期 189
並列篇名 The Decline and Re-interpretation of Performer-Oriented Theater: Remarks on the Contemporaneity of Theater from Wei Haimin’s Art of Performance
作者 吳岳霖
頁次 157-215
關鍵字 演員劇場當代戲曲國光劇團當代傳奇劇場魏海敏performer-oriented theaterContemporary Beijing OperaGuoGuang Opera CompanyContemporary Legend TheaterWei HaiminTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201509




The performer-oriented theater is an artistic feature of Chinese traditional theater, in which actors’ art of performance constitutes the gist of the play and the focal point of viewers’ attention. The thesis of this study derived from my query into the seemingly fixed relationship between performer-oriented theater and traditional theater. At the same time, I would like to investigate whether performer-oriented theater, after the introduction of western theatrical concepts, is disintegrating, or are there possibilities of contemporary reinterpretation. Subsequently, this study proceeds in two directions. I first examine the art history and definition of performer-oriented theater to describe its inception and decline. On this basis, I analyze the artistic nature of Wei Haimin’s boundary-crossing performances in order to elucidate meanings of contemporary theater and the re-interpretation and construction of the performer-oriented theater. Finally, the purpose of this study is to give an account of the disintegration process of the performer-oriented theater and the reinterpretation of modern theater. The modern day “performer-oriented theater,” in my opinion, no longer serves to highlight individual performers; instead, it collaborates with playwrights and directors to bring out the very substance of theater. While promoting performance and literariness, the performer-oriented theater coexists with the performers, attaining a balanced relation that enables the continuation of traditional theater and its contemporaneity.
