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篇名 李漁與江戶文藝:論笠亭仙果的《清談常磐色香》及《美目与利草紙》
卷期 189
並列篇名 Li Yu and Edo Literature: With a Focus on Ryutei Senka’s Seidan Tokiwa No Iroka and Mimeyori Zōshi
作者 蕭涵珍
頁次 119-155
關鍵字 李漁奈何天傳奇笠亭仙果清談常磐色香美目与利草紙Li YuNaihetianRyutei SenkaSeidan tokiwa no irokaMimeyori zōshiTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201509


明末清初作家李漁的作品,廣泛影響了江戶文藝的創作。本文以翻改 李漁《奈何天傳奇》部分情節的笠亭仙果《清談常磐色香》、《美目与利草紙》 為中心,探討三作間的關聯性、作品的特徵與價值,藉此檢視李漁對江戶文 藝影響的一個側面。 1831 年出版的《清談常磐色香》是描繪江戶庶民的愛情與人情糾葛的「人 情本」。從別名《本朝奈何天》可知仙果仿效李漁《奈何天傳奇》的顯著意圖。 1842 至1847 年間,仙果改寫《清談常磐色香》,完成了合卷《美目与利草 紙》。在初編、二編的開頭都提及故事構想源自《奈何天傳奇》,內文尾聲更 記述了原作主角移形換貌的特殊經歷。 《清談常磐色香》、《美目与利草紙》在挪借李漁戲曲內容的同時,也雜揉 了諸多中日文化要素,為作品帶來熟悉的親切感與新鮮的異國趣味。其中,小野小町與楊貴妃的軼事傳說,更為虛構的作品增添了真實感與地方色彩。此外,《美目与利草紙》刊載了粉底「美艷仙女香」的廣告,反映出商業出版的影響。透過對二作的分析,不僅能理解仙果對李漁戲曲的受容,更能一窺江戶時代中日文化的交流樣貌。


The late Ming writer Li Yu’s works had an extensive influence on Edo literature. In this article, I will discuss Ryutei Senka’s Seidan tokiwa no iroka, and Mimeyori zōshi. Parts of their plots are adapted from Li Yu’s drama Naihetian. I will explore the relations between the three works, their characteristics and value in order to examine a facet of Li Yu’s influence on the Edo literature. Seidan tokiwa no iroka, was published in 1831. It depicts common people’s romances and interpersonal relationships of the Edo era. Also known as Honchō Naikaten (“Naihetian of our country”), the author’s intention to emulate Li Yu had been quite obvious. Senka adapted Seidan tokiwa no iroka into Mimeyori zōshi between 1842 and 1847. In the prefaces of the first and second volume, he had mentioned that his plots derived from Naihetian. In the epilogue, Senka also describes the protagonist’s bizarre incident of going through physical transformation in the original play. More than simply borrowing content from Li Yu’s plays, in Seidan tokiwa no iroka and Mimeyori zōshi, Senka also wove in cultural elements from traditional Japanese and Chinese literature, giving the two works an exotic style that is at once fresh and yet familiar. In particular, the anecdote of Ono no Komachi and the legend of Yang Guifei add a sense of reality and local elements to the fictional Mimeyori zōshi. Furthermore, Mimeyori zōshi contains several advertisements for the face powder label Biensennyo-ko, indicating influences from commercial publishing houses. Through these two works, we not only perceive the ways Senka adapted Li Yu’s drama, but also gain a view of the cultural interchange between China and Japan in the late Edo period.
