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篇名 以報紙媒體探討臺北市國際觀光旅館之公共關係
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Exploring the Public Relations of International Tourist Hotels in Taipei City by the Newspapers
作者 李青松陳聖林車成緯
頁次 037-053
關鍵字 公共關係報紙媒體國際觀光旅館public relationsnewspapersinternational tourist hotel
出刊日期 201203




Due to the government opened visitors of China to Taiwan, & financial tsunami in 2009, the hotel industry had opportunities & threats. Using newspapers to carry out public relations of hotel was solutions to enhance exposure & famous. Therefore, the purpose of this study was explored the public relations of international tourist hotel in Taipei city by newspapers. The results of this study indicated that international tourist hotels in Taipei city had most news when food & beverage income more than accommodation income; the most news of international tourist hotel in Taipei city focus on business newspapers; as well as it came from reporters; more hotel only show service information in newspapers. This study suggests tourist hotels must create key features and enhance hotel’s service, in order to effectively use the newspaper for public relations for the customers.
