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篇名 休閒農場遊客旅遊動機類型的影響──檢視目的地意象、品牌個性、自我形象一致性與忠誠度之關係
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 The Effects of Motivation Types of Recreation Farm Travelers-Examining the Relationship among Destination Image, Brand Personality, Congruity of Self Image and Loyalty
作者 劉瓊如吳宗瓊陳善珮
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 目的地意象品牌個性自我形象一致性忠誠度休閒農場destination imagebrand personalitycongruity of self imageloyaltyrecreation farm
出刊日期 201203


休閒農業旅遊在台灣的觀光發展中扮演一個重要的角色,人們選擇到休閒農場旅遊的原因也不 盡相同。本研究旨在檢視不同旅遊動機型態遊客的差異並進一步探索不同動機型態下目的地選擇過 程重要構念關係(目的地意象、品牌個性、自我形象一致性及忠誠度)之建構。選擇以飛牛牧場進 行遊客問卷調查,獲得320 份有效問卷。研究結果指出前往該農場之遊客旅遊動機可分為「新奇體 驗型」及「社交休閒型」等兩類型。雖然「新奇體驗型」的遊客對於目的地意象、品牌個性、自我 形象一致性及忠誠度等構面的認知程度均明顯高於「社交休閒型」遊客;目的地意象、品牌個性在 解釋兩類型遊客的忠誠度上卻有不同的差異。對於「新奇體驗型」的遊客「奇景風情」的目的地意 象以及具有「能力」的品牌個性是影響休閒農場遊客忠誠度的關鍵要素;而對於「社交休閒型」遊 客,除了「奇景風情」的目的地意象與「能力」的品牌個性外,「風味美食」的意象以及「典雅」 的品牌個性也能顯著地影響遊客的「忠誠度」。研究的結果除了進一步釐清目的地意象、品牌個性、 自我形象一致性及忠誠度的關係,相關經營單位可透過瞭解遊客旅遊動機型態,增強遊客對農場意 象的態度,找尋與當地旅遊資源相符合的品牌個性,以強化遊客的忠誠度。


The aim of this study is to explore the links among four key constructs proposed for the destination branding and choice process: travel motivation, destination image, brand personality, self-congruity, and loyalty. We conducted questionnaires in the Flying Cow Ranch—receiving a total of 320 valid returns. Our results show that the motivation of travelers to the Flying Cow Ranch can be grouped into two categories: experiencing novelty and social leisure. As far as image of recreation farm, visitors who experiencing novelty perceived high image than visitors who seek social leisure. Their opinions on target destination brand personality also emphasize simplicity and healthy activity. With regard to congruity of self image, two groups tend to identify actual self image. And in terms of loyalty to the target destination indicates that looking for a novelty experience are more satisfy than wanting to enjoy social leisure. Relevant managerial agencies may use these results to destination image and find a brand personality most well suited to their local resources based on this understanding of travel motivation, while strengthening visitor loyalty.
