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篇名 旅館業之實習價值知覺與生涯承諾研究
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 Perception of internship value and career commitment: Evidence in hotel industry
作者 陳麗貞林尚平蔡倩雯
頁次 307-319
關鍵字 實習價值知覺與生涯承諾旅館業perception of internship valuecareer commitmenthotel industry
出刊日期 201112


旅館業工作新血的留任,儼然是跨國性的重要議題。特別是觀光餐旅科系的大學生而言,實習 經驗如何影響他們未來的就業意願,對學校與業者具有實務意涵。本研究共有6 所大學參與,共發 放320 份問卷,回收264份有效問卷,有效回收率為71.54%。實證結果顯示,實習價值的三大因子 分別為「人際關係」、「自我效能」、「職場熟稔度及連結」與生涯承諾有正向顯著關係,解釋變 易量為17.42%。最後提出管理意涵與研究限制,以供後續研究參考。


Retention of young employees within the hospitality industry is a prevalent problem in many countries. Therefore, it is critical that educators and practitioners determine the factors affecting career commitment of hospitality majors in colleges. This study employed a questionnaire survey focusing on students who had finished an internship in the hotel industry. Two hundred and sixty four valid questionnaires were collected from six colleges. The results identified three factors of students’ perceived of internship value, namely “interpersonal skill” and “self-efficiency”, as well as “familiarity and connection to the workplace”, were significantly and positively related to career commitment with 17.42 % of variance explanation. Finally, implications and research limitations were also discussed.
