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篇名 會展活動與地區特性對觀光旅館經營績效之影響
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 Exploring the Impact of Convention, Exhibition and Scenic Spots on Performance of Tourism Hotels
作者 方進義謝宛婷
頁次 289-305
關鍵字 截斷式迴歸會展活動地區因素觀光旅館經營績效資料包絡分析法The truncated regressionconvention and exhibitionscenic spotshotel efficiencyDEA
出刊日期 201112


根據過去文獻,會展活動理論上會增加舉辦區域的經濟與餐旅產業的營收,但卻缺乏實證研究。 本研究以台灣地區的會展活動與觀光旅館為研究對象,旨在探討會展產業對於觀光旅館經營績效之 影響。首先衡量觀光旅館經營效率值作為經營績效之指標,第一階段之研究期間為2005 年1 月至 2010 年12 月,觀察樣本包括全台國際觀光旅館與一般觀光旅館的月營運資料。使用產出導向型資 料包絡分析(Data envelopment analysis, DEA),以三項投入:包括客房數、客房部門員工數、餐飲 部門與其他部門員工數,與三項產出:客房營收、餐飲益與員工產值,衡量觀光旅館之效率值。第 二階段再以拔靴程序之截斷式迴歸法,探討2008年1月至2010年12月在台灣各地舉辦之國際會議 與展覽活動對於舉辦地區觀光旅館之經營績效之影響。實證結果顯示國際會議與展覽活動的舉辦次 數愈多對於旅館經營效率會有顯著正向影響,展期天數雖為正向影響但並不顯著,觀光旅館位於風 景地區對於經營績效也有正向影響,表示地區特性因素與舉辦會展活動都能顯著影響台灣觀光旅館 之經營績效。此結果也可作為政策制定者可以從鼓勵國際會議與展覽來台舉辦,以及發展地方觀光 特色兩種方向,協助業者提升觀光旅館經營績效。


Existing literatures indicated that the convention and exhibition (C&E) activities had the favorable economic impact on the tourism and hospitality industry, but seldom empirically studied. Firstly, the paper used the output-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) including three inputs: number of room, number of employee from the room department, number of employee from the F&B and other departments and three outputs including room revenue, F&B revenue, and the employee productivity to assess the efficiency of tourism hotels. Secondly, the study utilized the truncated regression with bootstrapped procedure to examine the impact of C&E on the host’s hotel performance in the periods of 2008-2010 in Taiwan. Empirical results showed that hosting the international conference and exhibition, show days, the frequency of C&E, and the scenic area had the significantly positive impacts on the efficiency of tourism hotel. The results could offer policymakers and government two ways to enhance the hotel performance: (1) to promote the characteristics of scenic spot and (2) to attract more international conferences and exhibitions held in Taiwan.
