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篇名 航空業分析型顧客關係管理:資料庫知識發現應用於旅客忠誠之研究
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 Analytical CRM at the airlines: managing loyal passengers using knowledge discovery in database
作者 翁振益鍾碧姮張德儀邱林濠
頁次 253-268
關鍵字 忠誠度分析型顧客關係管理航空業資料庫知識發現loyaltyanalytical customer relationship managementairlineknowledge discovery in database
出刊日期 201112




Analytical customer relationship management (CRM) is critical to airlines for retaining loyal passengers. This study develops an analytical CRM system for managing different loyalty passengers using the knowledge discovery in database (KDD) process. Primarily two parts are composed the KDD process, including a weighted- evaluated loyalty model and a data mining technique-C5.0 decision tree. In addition, a case study of Taiwanese airline is applied to examine the theoretical process. Research results found that the member category and satisfactions with clear announcements during flight, airline physical image, reservation staff attitude, and airline punctuality represent differences between true-loyalty and attitudinal-loyalty passengers. Finally, the results of this study are not only useful for other Taiwanese airlines but can also be used to expand management information systems (MIS) to CRM for the airline industry.
