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篇名 國際展覽目的地之競爭力分析:亞洲六個城市之比較
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 Exploring the international exhibition destination competitiveness: a comparison among six Asian cities
作者 林芳儀扈瓊玲顏家芝
頁次 235-252
關鍵字 展覽目的地競爭力參展商知覺亞洲城市台北Destination competitivenessDestination competitivenessAsian citiesTaipei
出刊日期 201109




This study was designed to explore the international exhibition destination competitiveness among six Asian cities (Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo, and Guangzhou). Using a modified Delphi method, the study first established a five-dimension competitiveness index, and then established a survey. The research data were collected from four international exhibitions held in Taipei, which resulted 394 completed and returned questionnaires. The study applied a multidimensional scaling to analyze the conceptual perception differences of exhibitors regarding their perceptions of international exhibition destination competitiveness among six Asian cities. The main findings of the study were: under the dimensions of economy, government efficiency, related industry, and infra/superstructure facility, the major destination cities competing with Taipei were Guangzhou and Seoul. Additionally, under the dimensions of the tourism industry and resources, Taipei was similar to Hong Kong than other destinations.
