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篇名 國際觀光旅館管理階層壓力源、組織承諾與處置行為之相關研究──以組織支援性資源為調節變項
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 A Study of Managers’ Stressors, Organizational Commitment and Discretion in International Tourist Hotels of Taiwan-Organizational Coping Resources as a Moderator
作者 許順旺張姮燕陳漢軒
頁次 213-234
關鍵字 管理階級壓力源處置行為組織承諾組織支援性資源ManagerStressorsDiscretionOrganization CommitmentOrganizational copping resource
出刊日期 201109


本研究以台灣地區國際觀光旅館管理階層為研究對象,探討管理階層之壓力源、組織承諾與處 置行為之關係以及組織支援性資源是否對壓力源與組織承諾有干擾效果。在採用深入訪談法進行問 卷設計後,針對全台61間國際觀光旅館之領班以上主管為施測對象,總共發出約500 份問卷,回收 之有效問卷342 份。研究結果顯示整體壓力源及人際關係不協調與組織承諾有顯著的負向關係,壓 力源與處置行為(例行性與創新性)無顯著相關,但與越軌行為存在顯著的正向關係。組織承諾與 處置行為(例行性與創新性)存在顯著正相關,與越軌行為則有顯著負相關。在旅館業中,高度組 織支援性資源對於壓力源與組織承諾的負向結果有著顯著的強化關係。


This research targets at the employees at the managerial-level in international tourist hotels of Taiwan. It aims to explore the relationship among managers’ perceived stressors, organizational commitment, and discretion. It also investigates the moderating effect of organizational coping resource on the relationship between stressors and organizational commitment. In-depth interviews were applied develop the survey questionnaire. Questionnaires were then delivered to managerial-level employees from 61 international tourist hotels in Taiwan. Five hundred surveys were sent, while 342 valid data were returned. The results showed that stressor was negatively correlated to organizational commitment, and the interpersonal relationship discordant was negatively correlated to organizational commitment. There was no significant correlation between stressor and discretion (routine discretion and creative discretion), but the stressors had positive correlation with deviant discretion. A positive correlation was found between organizational commitment and routine discretion and creative discretion. High organizational coping resource had moderation effect significantly augmenting the negative correlation between stressors and organizational commitment.
