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篇名 服務品質對遊客滿意度、遊憩利益與遊後行為之影響──高雄市龍舟競賽活動為例
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The research of service quality, tourist satisfaction, recreation benefit and after tour behavior – the case of Kaohsiung dragon boat race activity
作者 王韻
頁次 145-165
關鍵字 服務品質遊客滿意度遊憩利益遊後行為service qualitytourist satisfactionrecreation benefitafter tour behavior
出刊日期 201106


要 近年來國人生活水準的提升,觀光休閒的需求逐漸擴增,而地方性的特殊節慶活動,則成為地 方吸引遊客、塑造形象及帶動地方建設與發展的最佳方式。本研究主要目的在探討服務品質中的人 員服務、服務環境與活動品質對遊客滿意度、遊憩利益與遊後行為之影響,另外深入了解遊客滿意 度與遊憩利益的中介影響效果。研究方法採便利抽樣法收集問卷,發放地點為高雄愛河的高雄橋與 中正橋間人行道,共回收754 份有效問卷。研究結果顯示:(一)人員服務、服務環境與活動品質 對遊客滿意度、遊憩利益與遊後行為皆有正向的顯著性關係。(二)遊客滿意度對於人員服務、服 務環境、活動品質與遊後行為之間的關係具部分中介效果。(三)遊憩利益對於人員服務、服務環 境、活動品質與遊後行為之間的關係具部分中介效果。


In recent years, the demands for the tourist leisure are increased due to people have higher living quality. Moreover, the activity for the festival which celebrates the holiday in local becomes a way to attract the tourist, to mold city image, and to lead other constructions in the city. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of service environment, personnel service, and activity service to the tourist satisfaction and the recreation benefit. Total 754 convenience samples were collected by trained personnel in the place of Love River in Kaohsiung during the dragon boat race activity. The findings showed: (1) The service environment, the personnel service, and the active service had significant positive relationships to the tourist satisfaction, the recreation benefit, and after tour behavior; (2) The tourist satisfaction had mediating effect between personnel service, service environment, active service and after tour behavior; (3) The recreation benefit had mediating effect between personnel service, service environment, active service and after tour behavior.
