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篇名 餐廳內擁擠程度、選擇與時間限制對大學生知覺價值與消費意願之影響
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Effects of Social Density, Choice, and Time Limit on College Students’ Perceived Value and Purchase Intentions
作者 孫瑜華劉美侖林欣慧
頁次 127-144
關鍵字 社會密度知覺人擁擠知覺控制知覺價值消費意願social densitychoicetime limitperceived human crowdingperceived controlperceived valuepurchase intentions
出刊日期 201106


本研究以消費者能否選擇餐廳、有無時間限制與餐廳不同的社會密度為操弄之自變項,探討知 覺控制、知覺人擁擠、知覺價值與消費意願間的關係,並檢驗擁擠容忍度於知覺人擁擠和知覺價值 間的干擾效果。研究對象為國立臺灣師範大學生,採3×2×2 因子設計的實驗研究法檢驗假設,共 獲有效問卷493 份,以變異數與結構方程模式進行分析,研究結果顯示,社會密度會正向影響知覺 人擁擠;知覺控制會負向影響知覺人擁擠及正向影響知覺價值;知覺人擁擠會正向影響知覺價值, 其會正向影響消費意願。本研究結果可做為餐廳經營者在設計行銷方案時之參考。


The purposes of this study were to investigate how social density, choice and time limit affect consumers’ perceived value and purchase intentions. Independent variables of this study included choice, social density, and time limit. Mediating variables included perceived human crowding, perceived control, and perceived value. Finally, purchase intentions were measured as dependent variable in the study. Objects were 493 undergraduate students studying at National Taiwan Normal University. A 3×2×2 factorial experimental design was adopted. Statistical methods employed included analysis of variance and structural equation modeling. The results indicated that social density can positively influence perceived human crowding. Perceived control negatively influence perceived human crowding, while positively influence perceived value. Perceived value mediates the influence of perceived human crowding on purchase intentions. Implications of this study can help restaurant managers to develop more effective marketing programs to increase consumers’ dining intentions.
