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篇名 呷飽、呷好、呷巧、呷健康──臺灣辦桌菜單品項演變之研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Eat, Eat Well, Eat Cleverly, and Eat Healthfully-Study on the Development of Menu Items in Taiwanese Banto
作者 陳貴凰黃穗華
頁次 097-126
關鍵字 辦桌臺灣飲食文化菜單品項BantoTaiwanese food cultureMenu item
出刊日期 201106




Banto (banquet profession) is unique to Taiwan with characteristic cultural and economic conventions. The aim of this study is to reveal the development of menu items in banto at different time periods. Banto professionals in-depth interview and focused in groups. Found that Taiwan banto menu items will be generated in the process over time changes. The results showed that changes in politics and open policies of import materials caused various menu items; social status and identities influenced the arrangement of banto to diet structure “subject-object translocation,” focus on “dish” has been replaced by the change “rice” fast full monotonous; the beef taboo was released; homophones of food names would affect the usage rate of the food; menu items have been refined with the raise of income; aquaculture has made seafood and chicken cheaper and more popular in banto; low temperature storage has made food fresh and clean; and healthy soups have been produced for the notion of keeping in good health. In addition, the Taiwanese food culture of banto can be divided chronologically into periods of restoration “eat”, 60s “eat well”, 70s - 80s “eat well, eat cleverly”, and 90s “eat healthfully”.
