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篇名 台灣觀光休閒領域學者在國際期刊發表之質量評析
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Quality and Quantity Analysis of Research Performance on International Journals for Scholars Related Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality in Taiwan
作者 張康聰曹勝雄黃鐘慶
頁次 079-096
關鍵字 學術表現文獻計量h-indexg-indexacademic performancebibliometrics
出刊日期 201106


本研究目的在探討台灣觀光休閒領域學者在國際期刊論文之表現,包含作者在所有領域與觀光 領域之發表。評估指標包含:所有論文發表總篇數、所有論文被引用總次數、h-index 與g-index 四 種質化與量化的評估指標。以“Publish or Perish”軟體進行作者發表資料搜尋與指標計算,並將所 收集資料進行SPSS 12.0 for Windows統計檢定。研究結果發現,國內學者在國際期刊的著作表現仍 有努力空間,且有集中於部分學者或國立學校之現象。而所有領域與觀光領域之各評估指標間皆達 顯著相關,代表此四種衡量指標為一有效之評估指標組合。此外,任職與畢業於觀光休閒相關系所 之學者在該範疇論文之著作表現,及任職國立學校學者的著作表現皆較為良好。本研究之結果可供 政府單位與學術機構實務與研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore published performance of international journal in total and fields of tourism, leisure, and hospitality for Taiwanese tourism scholars. The using indices of quantity and quality included total number of publications, total citations, h-index, and g-index. The data were searched and calculated using “Publish or Perish” and tested by SPSS 12.0 for Windows. The results show that scholars’ performances still have some room for improvement. Moreover, the published output primarily comes from scholars of small percentage or national universities. Correlation coefficients between all indices are all significant, suggesting that these indices are valid. Furthermore, scholars with degrees and teaching in tourism-related fields or scholars from national universities perform significantly better. The results can be served as practice and academy reference for government and the academia.
