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篇名 廚藝課程導入創造力問題解決之研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Applying Creative Problem Solving Approach in Culinary Course
作者 林琳洪久賢
頁次 039-055
關鍵字 創造力問題解決廚藝教育創造力課程聚歛與發散思考準實驗設計法creative problem solvingculinary arts educationcreative curriculumconvergent and divergent thinkingquasi-experimental design
出刊日期 201103


隨著餐飲市場之競爭激烈,餐旅與廚藝教育應能培育學生具備創造能力,因應市場環境的變遷 與需求。本研究以創造力問題解決之理論模式為基礎,設計與發展廚藝創造力課程與教學活動,以 準實驗研究方法,進行16 周課程介入,實驗組為選修廚藝創造力課程學生29 名;控制組則為參與 一般廚藝課程學生共21名。本課程分為六大單元,內容包含講授、小組討論與實作課程,本研究於 課程實施前與實施後分別進行創造力問題解決測驗施測。透過成對樣本t 檢定與共變數分析 (ANCOVA)顯示了實驗組學生之創造力問題解決能力具顯著提升,並由質性資料中了解本課程能 提升學生之參與度與興趣。本研究建議創造力問題解決可結合至更廣泛之課程,提升學生研發與產 品改善之能力。


With increasing competition in the hospitality market, it is critical to improve the competitiveness of prospective culinary professionals. Therefore, culinary and hospitality education must help to inspire students’ creativity and their creative problem solving ability. In this research, an experimental creative culinary curriculum was developed to explore its ability to enhance students’ creative problem solving ability. Thirty senior students from a hospitality department were invited to participate in the experiment. Based on the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) model, the experimental curriculum was designed and revised through expert validity analysis. The curriculum included 6 CPS units, which lasted 16 weeks at 4 hours per week. A creative problem solving test was used to measure students’ performance before and after the experiment, which had an interrater reliability of .98. The qualitative data of students’ learning profiles and feedback were also collected and analyzed. The results of a paired-samples t-test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that student performance considerably improved. These results, together with analyses of the students’ learning profiles and feedback, proved that the experimental curriculum helps to upgrade students’ creative problem solving ability. The results will serve as a reference for future curricular and instructional designs. The various CPS teaching strategies could be integrated into hospitality and culinary curricula, while teachers could integrate CPS theory and concepts into culinary research and development practices and product improvement experiments.
