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篇名 學生對校外實習滿意度與續留產業影響之分析:以高等技職教育餐旅觀光相關學系為例
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 The Influence of Internship Program on Students’ Career Choice : Case from Hospitality and Tourism Related Department in Higher Vocational Education
作者 陳紫玲沈進成
頁次 021-038
關鍵字 實習滿意度餐旅觀光教育就業意願internship satisfactoryHospitality & Tourism Educationcareer choice
出刊日期 201103




Hospitality and Tourism Education is booming in this decade. This research proposed eight hypotheses to explore the influence of internship program on students’ career choice. The sample was from ten different departments of a hospitality university. The students who had finished their internship in this university were investigated by questionnaire to test the hypotheses. Seven of eight proposed hypotheses were accepted. Results showed, the students’ satisfactory to school, industry and themselves influenced the overall satisfactory positively. Furthermore, the students’ overall satisfactory affected the career choice intention. In addition, the students’ satisfactory to school, industry and themselves indirectly influenced the employment retention through overall satisfactory. The research made further suggestions to school, industry and students accordingly.
