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篇名 台灣啤酒市場概況暨進口啤酒選擇因素之研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 A study of the profile of Taiwan beer market and the selected factor of imported beer brands
作者 柯朝斌
頁次 001-019
關鍵字 啤酒進口啤酒啤酒市場beerimported beerbeer market
出刊日期 201103




Beer is not only the oldest and greatest consumption of alcoholic beverage, but also the third largest drinks after water and tea. This study completed previous research relating of beer consumption by collecting and organizing data information. At the same time, we analyzed the habits of beer consumption and the selected factors of imported beer brands by using Questionnaire survey to provide some marketing suggestion for beer marketers. We find that the most important three beer selected factors are “taste”, “mouthfeel” and “purchase conveniences”. We also extract five dimensions from 13 items of the beer selected factor, and named “the brand awareness”, “the peripheral commodity”, “the commodity characteristic”, “the habitat factor” and “the promotion and appraises” dimension respectively. Further, through statistical analysis we found that: (1) Taiwan’s annual per capita beer consumption was less than the neighboring areas. It shows that Taiwan's beer market still had development potential. (2) “Taste” and “mouthfeel” are the most important three beer selected factors. (3) In recent years, the trend of consumption at home makes “convenience” become more important selectedfactors than price when choosing foreign beer. (4) The consumers in Taiwan have insufficient understanding of imported beer brands.
