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篇名 尋求啤酒產品多樣化的干擾效果:探討知覺價值、顧客態度與購買意願之關係
卷期 11:3
並列篇名 The Moderating Effect of Variety Seeking in Beer Products: The Study of the Relationships among Perceived Value, Customer Attitude and Purchase Intention
作者 宋永坤
頁次 193-218
關鍵字 知覺價值顧客態度購買意願尋求多樣化Perceived ValueCustomer AttitudesPurchase IntentionsVariety Seeking
出刊日期 201409


隨著市場的需求,消費者對啤酒的選擇性也變得更多樣化。本研究探討顧客尋求啤酒產 品多樣化的不同對於啤酒產品的知覺價值、顧客態度與購買意願之影響。因此,在台灣北部 地區(基隆市、台北市、新北市、桃園縣市、新竹縣市)四大連鎖便利店通路,以分層抽樣 方式進行問卷調查,總計回收3 89份有效問卷,並以結構方程式( S E M)進行統計分析。研究 結果發現:顧客對啤酒產品的知覺價值會正向影響其態度與購買意願:顧客對啤酒產品的態 度會正向影響其購買意蠣且尋求多樣化的啤酒產品對顧客態度與購買意願之闊係產生干擾 的效益。因此,建議業者應致力激發顧客對啤酒產品的知覺價值,以提高其對啤酒產品的態 度,同時注意啤酒產品多樣化的因素,進而提升其購買啤酒產品的意願。


Due to the market demand, consumers have diverse choices on beer products. This study attempts to explore customers' seek to different beer products toward the relationships of perceived value, customer attitude and purchase intention. Hence, questionnaires were collected at four major convenience store chains of the northern region (Keelung, Taipei , New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County) of Taiwan, using stratified random sampling, a total of 389 questionnaire s were returned and SEM was used to analyze the data . The results showed that: customer's perceived value of beer products positively affects their attitude and purchase intention ; customer attitudes positively affects their purchase intention, and variety seeking moderates the relationships between customer attitude and purchase intention. Therefore, the researchers propose the sellers should endeavor to stimulate customers' perceived value in order to improve their attitude on beer products and pay attention to the factor s of variety seeking to enhance customers' willingness to purchase beer products.
